With the world turning more and more towards digital technology, readers are increasing enjoying the convenience and portability of e-books. This phenomenon has helped the self-publishing business, as many new and leading authors are attracted by the quick and easy process of making their books available to their readers in digital format. While the traditional publishing route still remains the major source of books, self-publishing is gaining ground fast. Here are some of the major benefits of choosing the self-publishing option:
1. Better payment terms
Self-publishing on leading e-book platforms like Amazon Kindle, Kobo, Smashwords, etc. offers far higher royalty rates than traditional publishers, who can pay as low as 6 percent royalty. Typically, authors get royalty rates in the range of 10-20 percent of net revenues from a traditional publisher, while Amazon Kindle pays up to 70 percent royalty. Other self-publishing platforms also pay comparable rates such as 55 percent with Apple, and 65 percent with Barnes & Noble.
Moreover, with traditional publishers, the royalty payments are given out twice a year, after you have earned out your advance. In contrast, you can get monthly royalty payments by self-publishing an e-book on Amazon or other sites.
2. Cut out the middle-men
With the advent of self-publishing and e-books, you don’t need the backing of a publisher to get your book into the hands of readers. You can cut out the traditional publishers completely, and control what and when you publish. There is also no need to spend time and effort on preparing query letters, book proposals, submission packages, visiting agents and publishers, and the other hassles associated with traditional publishers.
3. Creative control
In traditional publishing, the editing, cover art, marketing, and everything else is handled by the publishers, and authors are rarely consulted on these decisions. While this may seem like a convenience to some, it can often become a source of concern for many authors as they lose control over every aspect of their book. In self-publishing, you would have to pay for these services from your own pocket, but at least you would have complete creative control over the content, the cover, the layout, and the pricing of the e-book, as well as the marketing and promotional activities.
4. Unlimited shelf life
Once your e-book is released into the digital world, it can stay out there for as long as you like. This gives your book enough time to catch on, earn reviews, get recognized and earn revenues. Unlike with paper versions of books which only remain on the shelves for a month or two in brick and mortar stores, the shelf life of an e-book is forever. So, you have much more time to establish yourself as an author in the e-book market, than in the traditional book stores, where only known authors sell consistently within the narrow shelf life period.
5. Fast and easy
With self-publishing, you can publish a book whenever you want, as soon as you have finished writing and editing your book. It is as easy as creating a user account and uploading your e-book to the site. You can also choose pre-made covers from the many self-publishing sites.
With traditional publishing, it can take nearly one to 1.5 years to see your book on the shelves from the time it is accepted for publishing, and that’s not counting the many months it would take to get your book accepted by the publisher after doing the rounds of agents and publishing houses.
Image credit: mobilyazilar on flickr and reproduced under Creative Commons 2.0