Blog writing is a great way to write about your thoughts on a daily basis, or maybe even to promote your writing. Are you thinking of starting a blog to promote your business, or do you just want to share your thoughts on a subject that you love? Follow these five blog writing tips to make sure your blog posts not only get read but make people want to come back for more.
1. Write from the Heart
One of the most important things about writing a blog is the fact that the writing must come directly from the heart. You need to choose to write about the topics that you love or feel strongly about. This will bring a sense of authenticity and uniqueness to your blog. Bringing in your voice to the blog gives it a personality, which draws the attention of the readers, and makes them come back for more. Remember, though, that you don’t have to write all that much. Your blogs can be short, but it is acceptable as long as you relate to the readers.
2. Interact with Readers
Another thing that can help you write an attractive blog is to constantly interact with your readers and ask them for feedback, or questions about what they want to read about. More than anything, asking questions will in turn, help you learn more too! Also, let the readers get to know you. Reply to their queries, respond to blog comments and make them feel like you are genuinely interested in knowing what they think about you and your blog. Take this as an opportunity to connect directly with the people who are reading your blog. Sometimes, just a simple “Thanks for reading my blog” would also help.
3. Write Catchy Headlines
Headlines are like advertisements for your posts – if they do not catch people’s attention, your blog post is likely to go unnoticed. Your content may be great, but if a headline doesn’t capture the imagination of the reader, all the good work goes to waste. Your headline must be interesting, short, and should capture the essence of the entire post. Your headline must pose questions to the reader, which in turn will make him or her curious enough to read through the post to find the answers.
4. Short Paragraphs
The content may be important, but also, the visual look and appeal of your blog is equally important. For that reason, it is advisable that you write your blog posts in sets of small paragraphs. This will make your blog look less “text heavy”. The readers generally tend to avoid reading huge blogs, as they just feel lazy. Keeping your blogs in sets of small paragraphs makes it look smaller, and also less overwhelming for the readers to read. You can provide useful external links wherever necessary, to give additional information. Also, adding a few pictures between paragraphs will help increase the visual appeal even more.
5. You’ll Never Please Everyone
Finally, you must be thick skinned and must always keep in mind that no matter how well you think you have written your blog, there is always a section of the audience that will be left wanting. It is a part of blog writing, and you cannot do anything to change that. You are bound to find more than just a few grumpy people waiting to pounce on you in your blog comments. You must take that aspect in your stride, and focus on only the genuine people who like reading your blog. You must focus your writing towards the section of the audience that likes reading your blog, and ignoring the rest. Happy blogging!
Image credit: Christian Schnettelker on flickr and reproduced under Creative Commons 2.0
Pranay Kanagat is a freelance writer who has a love for writing on various subjects. In particular, he enjoys creative writing. He is also studying for an Engineering degree.