As a writer, it is highly important that you decide your writing style in accordance with your story. You must choose your writing style carefully before you start your actual writing. Consider all the aspects of your story and make a well-thought decision. Using the appropriate writing technique can make all the difference between your story being a good one or an excellent one. Here, we list 5 different writing techniques, which will help you make an informed decision about which technique you may want to employ in your next book.
1. Narrative
In this writing technique, the writing is in such a way which narrates the story to an audience, as it is. The characters are introduced, and the story proceeds without the writer’s own voice being heard (or read) directly. As a writer, you need to make yourself one of the characters, and narrate the whole story from the character’s point of view. A narrative story has dialogues from various characters, various situations, conflicts and disputes, and a well-defined structure, i.e., a beginning, intervals, and an ending. To put it in simple terms, the narrative writing technique is the art of describing a story.
2. Persuasive
This technique contains not only the facts, but also opinions, biases, and justifications of the author. In this technique, you can voice your own opinion and make the readers understand your points and justifications, and in the process, give them a reason to believe in your point of view. Basically, it involves convincing the readers that your point of view is right. This kind of writing is most commonly found in newspapers or magazines, and even in television commercials.
3. Descriptive
Descriptive writing is one where the writer uses a large amount of detail to explain the situations or the story. This involves intricate details related to the characters, the setting, the situations, the story and the objects around them too. As an author, it is your duty to visualize what you see, hear, or feel and make the readers see what you see, hear what you hear and feel what you feel. The key to writing in this technique lies in the details. The more the details, the better the outcome.
4. Subjective
The subjective writing style is one where both sides of an argument are presented, without any bias. The writer can very well use the first person tone, but does not take sides. The main aim of this style of writing is to explain a particular process, providing all the details in a step by step and organized manner. As a writer, you need to list the pros and cons of both sides of the argument in an organised manner, and leave it up to the reader to make up their own mind. Such a writing style is often found in articles written in newspapers.
5. First Person
The first person style of writing enables you to incorporate your own views into the story. Instead of just presenting the facts, you can also write how you feel about certain events or situations. It is similar to the persuasive style of writing, but it does not necessarily involve convincing the reader to agree with you. It is perfectly fine if the reader disagrees. You just need to get your point across to the reader.
Pranay Kanagat is a freelance writer who has a love for writing on various subjects. In particular, he enjoys creative writing. He is also studying for an Engineering degree.