If you are a new writer about to start working on your very first book, the task may seem daunting. The first of anything is the hardest, not to mention a huge learning curve. Are you having last minute doubts? Do you feel it is next to impossible to fill all those pages with words and to write them in such a way that they form an intricate story? Here are five tips for writing a book to help make it a little bit easier for you.
1. Start Small
Don’t overwhelm yourself at the first go. Take your time in getting used to writing your very first book. Start with smaller goals and targets; say about 250 words a day. The key, though, is to write everyday – that way there will be continuity in your writing, and you will gradually get used to the idea of writing daily. Concentrate hard during this initial phase, because this will shape your future in writing. There must be a strict “no disturbances” policy during this hour of the day. This way, you will get the best ideas. Also, it is advisable to start early in the day. Morning time is the most productive time, primarily because your brain is very fresh during this time. Wake up, get yourself a cup of coffee, and start with your writing.
2. Think
Getting the perfect idea for your first book is of primary importance. Think long and hard about the primary story that your book needs to have, and develop more subplots around it. This may take a long time, especially if you are writing your very first book. But hang in there, and keep brainstorming until you get the idea just right. It is advisable to write down each and every idea that comes across your mind on paper. That way, everything will be in front of you, and you will be able to think better. Jot down every detail you can think of. Once your ideas have been noted down, you can work about organizing them later.
3. Space Your Book Well
You need to keep a close eye on the number of pages you have written and the overall progress of the story after each day. Make sure you don’t give out the entire plot in the first few chapters itself. Work slowly towards the details, keeping the readers interested till the very end. Also, in doing so, you might tend to go off road. Remember, do not linger. Never let the reader get bored and tired of what they are reading. Avoid over-explaining stuff, as that may just add to the lingering. Avoid needless words, backstories and events.
4. Find Your Voice
You need to maintain your individuality when you write; it is what sets you apart from all the other writers in the market. Sure, you may have read a lot, and you may be influenced by certain authors, but at the end of the day, it is you telling the story, not them. You need to learn consciously not to ape stories or the styles of the authors you love. It is imperative that you maintain a unique style of writing to succeed.
5. Find Your Support System
Finally, writing a book can prove to be very tedious and lonely. You need someone to fall back to, when the going gets tough. It could be your family, your lover, or even a friend. Alternatively, you can look for a fellow writer friend who understands what you are going through. In simple words, you need a person to inspire you and to make you believe that everything will be fine, when the going gets tough.
Pranay Kanagat is a freelance writer who has a love for writing on various subjects. In particular, he enjoys creative writing. He is also studying for an Engineering degree.