The term infographics refers to information graphics, and in essence, it means relaying information accompanied by pleasing graphics and colors. The combination of information and eye-catching graphics makes it easier for the readers to absorb and understand the information that’s being relayed, and as such, infographics have become very popular in the last decade. Instead of bombarding your readers with long paragraphs and walls of text, you can focus on the heart of your content instead, and convey only the most important bulletin points, accompanied with sleek lines, circles and fun colors to make it look more interesting. Below, you will find tips to help you make your infographics more entertaining, eye-catching and interesting, but still allow you to relay every bit of necessary information.
1. Focus on great content
The rules haven’t changed just because the method of relaying information has. The content you offer needs to be of great value to your readers. If you’re a fiction writer, maybe you can offer an illustrated infographic guide to the characters of your novel, important places in your universe, etc. If you’re writing in a different genre and focusing on a different niche, then make sure the information you’re offering is both new and valuable. Valuable, or great, content can be either helpful, can stir your readers emotions, and be very important to your readers.
2. Unique approach to the topic
After you’ve chosen the topic, and have decided on what you are going to include in the infographic, you need to find a unique approach. If you are relaying a previous blog post or an article, you can use the same heading, and create a unique subheading which will attract your readers’ attention. On the other hand, if you’re sharing information and writing about a new topic, make sure your approach to it is unique. Brainstorm ideas and titles and choose the one that is both catchy, entertaining, and informative. For example, if you’re offering helpful information, you can start with “Did you know” or “How to…”, but you can also create your own original approaches.
3. Be informative and entertaining
But do not change your natural voice. If your blog posts and previous articles were of a more serious nature, then you do not want to change that – just offer information in short bits and pieces that are easy to absorb and trust the graphics and the colors to make it entertaining. You can add funny illustrations, if you can adapt them to your topic. In addition, you will need to brush up on your Photoshop skills or whichever graphics program you will be using, or you can outsource the graphics part of your infographic to an illustrator to ensure it will be done right.
4. Avoid clutter
Remember, an infographic is not an article, so make sure to avoid clutters of text. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should use short sentences and maybe even discard some of the key information that you need to present. Focus on balance instead. A lot of graphics without enough text can make you lose credibility and turn the readers off. They might read your first infographic, but not be interested in the ones that will follow. A balance between text and graphics, on the other hand, will increase your credibility, and the readers will be interested in what topic you will focus on in your next infographic.
5. Use pleasant colors
Avoid colors that are catchy, but tiring after looking at them for a minute, but also avoid pastel colors, or colors that are too dark. Create a perfect mix of pleasant colors and bright, strong colors to add a bit of a flair to your infographic, and illustrations are always welcome, as mentioned above. Dark colors have a darker effect on the readers, so of course, it would be a bad idea to use them if your content is positive. On the other hand, emotional content shouldn’t be accompanied by colors that are way too bright and neon. The best way to choose the right colors for your infographic is to research color psychology and with that, choose the colors that will match your content, while adding a bit of contrast to make sure the infographic is not boring or unpleasant to the eye.
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Georgina Roy wants to live in a world filled with magic. As an art student, she’s moonlighting as a writer and is content to fill notebooks and sketchbooks with magical creatures and amazing new worlds. When she is not at school, or scribbling away in a notebook, you can usually find her curled up, reading a good urban fantasy novel, or writing on her laptop, trying to create her own.
[/author_info] [/author]