Are you older than 25 years in age, yet for some strange reason, find yourself gravitating towards Young Adult (YA) fiction books (which should be targeted towards a younger audience)? If so, Anthony McGowan has written an article in The Guardian with some sound explanations for this phenomenon.
Below is a quote from Anthony’s article:
“Figures from Nielsen show that 80% of YA literature is read by people over 25. It’s a pretty astonishing and, to me, disturbing statistic. It strongly suggests that something has gone horribly wrong in publishing. (And, possibly, with those readers …) Most people involved in publishing YA books would claim that these are intended to be read by teenagers. If this figure is correct, then they are missing that target. By decades. And that’s important, because many children stop reading when they reach the teenage years – especially boys. The world, it seems, suddenly holds pleasures greater than losing yourself in a great book. Could this be because the books that should belong to them, inhabiting their hearts and brains, are actually (consciously or subconsciously) directed at older readers?”
Read the whole article here.
Also, if you’re looking for tips on writing YA adult fiction, this article will help you.
Image credit: Pixabay[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Hiten Vyas is the Founder and Managing Editor of eBooks India. He is also a prolific eBook writer with over 25 titles to his name.[/author_info] [/author]