We interviewed renowned poet, Dinesh Gupta who writes poetry in Hindi. Dinesh told us about his latest poetry book entitled Kaise Chand Lafzon Men Saara Pyar Likhun. Read on to find out what Dinesh had to say.
Welcome to e-Books India, Dinesh! We are extremely excited to have you join us for this interview. Can you please tell us a bit about your background, your professional experience and how you came about to write poetry in Hindi?
Hi, I am glad to talk. I am a Software Engineer by profession and poet by passion. Initially I started writing poetry by interest but it’s a passion for me now a days.
I am from Mandsaur [M.P.] and work as a manager for a software organization in Pune currently. I started writing poetry, articles, speeches, and essays from 8th standard but my poetry came into shape around 5 years back when I first listened to Dr Kumar Vishwas, and that created zeal inside me to do something in this field.
Can you please tell us about your latest poetry book entitled Kaise Chand Lafzon Men Saara Pyar Likhun?
Kaise Chand Lafzon Men Saara Pyar Likhun is a collection of beautiful romantic poetic quotes containing different flavours of poetry like Shayri, Gazal, Geet & Full Flash Poetry. If one would like to describe in one sentence he must say “it’s a perfect valentine gift for your beloved one.”
What inspired you to write Kaise Chand Lafzon Men Saara Pyar Likhun?
I am highly inspired by celebrity poet Dr Kumar Vishwas. This is the reason the romantic genre attracts me in particular and has impacted my writing, although I write poetry on a variety of topics.
Do you have any other poetry book(s) you’re working on? If so, can you please tell us some more?
I have a number of poems already composed & compiled and ready but not yet planned to publish. I am planning to publish my next book as a collection of poems on variety of topics.
From your experiences, can you please share 3 pieces of advice for budding poets in Hindi who want to get their work published?
I believe there is no harm in writing for entertainment, but one must be aware about his social responsibility with ink as soon as he starts writing, because I believe huge power lies in ink.
I believe a lot of responsibility lies on the shoulders of the youth. There are lots of problems in the country these days and we need young, energetic blood to overcome these. I appeal to youngsters with my work.
I also encourage writers to not write for the market, and rather to write from your heart and market it.
How can people find out more about you?
You can see some of my poetic creations at the below links:
Web: https://dineshguptadin.in/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/dineshguptaofficial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCKCnxwAwfc
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://writingtipsoasis.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/hv1.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Hiten Vyas is the Founder and Managing Editor of eBooks India. He is also a prolific eBook writer with over 25 titles to his name.[/author_info] [/author]