Are you searching for adverbs that begin with the letter B? We’ve compiled a list of 21 for you below!
1. Badly
Something that’s not done well, is unsuccessful, or ineffective.
“He completed the project badly, but no one cared because he tried his best.”
“Though the director managed the show badly, the audience cheered when the actors took a bow.”
2. Brutally
When something is violent and cruel.
“The scary man brutally attacked the innocent people. It was an extremely sad day for the town.”
“He cried when he heard how the people had been brutally murdered. It was difficult to believe anyone could be so evil.”
3. Breathlessly
To have difficulty breathing due to fitness levels, being excited, or being afraid.
“The woman breathlessly screamed as the boyband emerged on stage. She’d waited years to see their concert.”
“After his workout, the runner breathlessly searched for his water bottle. He needed to cool down as soon as possible.”
4. Beautifully
Something that’s done in a beautiful manner.
“The classic painting was beautifully finished, and art students traveled from all over the world to see the piece up close.”
“She beautifully braided her hair, ensuring each strand was delicately in place before the ball.”
5. Bashfully
To do something in an embarrassed or shy way.
“He bashfully showed his friends his poetry. He’d never been so vulnerable around them before, and he could feel his cheeks burning as they read.”
“The girl bashfully shook the prince’s hand. She could barely meet his eyes as he introduced himself.”
6. Benevolently
To be fair and kind in speech and action.
“The kind mother looked benevolently at her daughter. She was so proud of her achievements.”
“As a queen, she ruled her country benevolently and made an effort to ensure all citizens had a good life.”
7. Basically
To describe a concept or situation in a simple manner.
“Did you see the papers? I’m basically a hero now.”
“The hiking trail was basically the same as it was 100 years ago. However, hikers have better gadgets and GPS gadgets now.”
8. Bitterly
To have an angry or annoyed attitude while doing something.
“Though it was summertime, it felt bitterly cold when she left it house, and she needed to return for her mittens.”
“She was bitterly resentful at the boy who won the competition. She knew her entry was by far the best out of all applicants.”
9. Blissfully
To be very happy, joyful, and calm.
“She blissfully ran her fingers over her new clothes, admiring the luxurious fabrics and small details.”
“The man blissfully gazed at the ocean while he sipped his Aperol spritz. It was a perfect end to a perfect day.”
10. Barely
To show something is only just true.
“He could barely stand his mother, but he put a happy face on at family gatherings.”
“She barely liked mayonnaise, and so she avoided it at all costs. Even when it meant making a fuss at restaurants.”
11. Briefly
When something is done or only happens for a short amount of time.
“The lady briefly thought of her childhood, but she was snapped back into the moment by a loud noise.”
“The cookie jar was briefly full, but it was emptied again as soon as the hungry children arrived.”
12. Blindly
To do something without a second thought or enough information.
“Even though his elders advised him against it, he blindly joined the cult and left home for good.”
“The little girl blindly copied everything her favorite pop star did. From her haircut to her clothes, she was a carbon copy of the singer.”
13. Boldly
To be unafraid to do dangerous or risky things.
“The man boldly nominated himself to be the building’s security guard.”
“The army soldiers boldly drove into battle, despite their immense anxiety.”
14. Busily
To be very active or rushed while doing something.
“She busily tried to meet her customer’s demands, but she desperately needed more team members.”
“He busily searched for his homework, but he couldn’t find the all-important task anywhere.”
15. Briskly
To do something very quickly or energetically.
“He briskly walked around the town five times. He did this every day to ensure his health was in check.”
“The teacher briskly passed out the exam results to ensure the students couldn’t see each other’s grades.”
16. Bawdily
Something that includes lewd or obscene references.
“The loud woman bawdily remarked on the current fashions.”
“She ignored the way the group of students bawdily shouted at her. They were just silly teenagers.”
17. Bewitchingly
To do something in a way that attracts other people’s attention.
“She bewitchingly twirled around in her ball gown, and all the young gentlemen stopped to stare at her beauty.”
“The princess bewitchingly batted her eyelids at the prince, making him blush in return.”
18. Barbarically
To act in a way that’s uncivilized or cruel.
“When the chess game was finished, the loser barbarically tipped over the board and left the room.”
“He felt his anger rising within him, and he barbarically threw his chair against the wall.”
19. Baggily
For fabric or clothing to hang loosely from a body or object.
“She watched the designer baggily drape the silk around the model’s waist. It instantly transformed the whole outfit.”
“Her pants hung baggily off her legs, showing her skinny ankles. She wished she had some better-fitting clothes, but she couldn’t afford to go shopping.”
20. Backhandedly
To say something in a way that can be insulting.
“He was known for backhandedly stating his opinions, and some people were scared of his sharp tongue.”
“She resisted the urge to backhandedly reply, even though her boss was being rude.”
21. Bewilderedly
To do something in a bewildered or surprised way.
“After receiving the bad news, she bewilderedly walked away from the doctor’s office.”
“He bewilderedly stared at the strange man. Though he was odd, he had a calming presence about him.”