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We’re delighted to welcome author T.K. Perry to e-Books India. Continue reading to learn about T.K. Perry, how she got into writing, her interests, the way she approaches writing, and to find out about her book entitled Elissa Blue: Book One of the Winged, which was recently published.
Please tell us about you. Where are you from? What is your professional background and how did you become an author?
I was born in Los Angeles, but grew up in the suburbs of Utah (quite a difference!). I wrote my first book, The Nosy Kid, when I was eight. I had meant to title it The Noisy Kid, but couldn’t spell; when I realized my error, I decided to just go with it. Though I have continued to write books, short stories, and poetry, I became a lawyer.
What types of books do you write?
My current series is science fiction romance, but I’ve written everything from comedy to coming of age.
Could you please tell us about your most recent book, its overall plot, and the main characters in it?
Oh no! That sounds like a blurb! I loathe writing blurbs because they always seem to give too much away and spoil books for me. I actually had my kid write the blurb for Elissa Blue. I’m going to cheat and use it as my answer. “Though she worried it might never happen, Elissa Blue has finally gotten her wings. Now she has a short window of time to migrate to the Mating Mountain, find a husband, and get back down the impassable cliffs before she loses her ability to fly forever. If she doesn’t succeed, she’ll be stranded as a servant in the Old Castle for the rest of her life. And if she doesn’t choose her man wisely, she might be just as miserable.”
Are you working on any other books(s)? If so, can you please tell us what we can expect to see from you in the future?
I am nearly done (I think!) writing book two of The Winged series, and already have the main characters and storyline figured out for book three. I haven’t decided if there will be more books in the series.
Can you please tell us about your approach to writing? For example, do you follow structures and writing rules? Or do you write in a free flow way? Do you have any particular time of the day you like to write? Or any specific environment you prefer to sit down and write in?
I can be easily distracted, so I usually write in the middle of the night, after everyone has gone to sleep. Once I’ve created my main characters and decided on a setting, it feels like my stories write themselves. The characters take on lives of their own, and sometimes even surprise me.
Do you have any favourite authors? If so, who are they and what do you like about their work?
I love Robison Wells; he brings great humour to whatever genre he’s writing. Janette Rallison is another favourite because she’s so good at engaging my emotions. Of the classical authors, I love Wilkie Collins’ surprises and Jane Austen’s witty dialogue.
What other things do you like to get up to when you’re not writing?
I love watching and photographing wildlife, especially birds. I take lots of blurry, thumb-inserted pictures because I don’t know how to use my camera properly, but it’s still fun and relaxing.
How can people find out more about you and keep in contact?
I have a WordPress website ( and a Facebook page ( where you can get regular updates and always reach me.
Author Bio
T.K. Perry lives with her husband and daughter in a lovely Oregon forest filled with wildlife (there is probably a house, too, but that’s less picturesque). When she isn’t writing or watching said wildlife, she enjoys making jewellery, pretending to be a photographer, and trying to save the world (a frustrating task since she lacks both superpowers and a costume). She is currently working on book two in The Winged series.
Books by T.K. Perry
Elissa Blue: Book One of the Winged available at:
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Hiten Vyas is the Founder and Managing Editor of eBooks India. He is also a prolific eBook writer with over 25 titles to his name.[/author_info] [/author]