Today, we’re delighted to welcome USA Today bestselling author Anna J Stewart to eBooks India. Continue reading to learn more about Anna and how she got into writing, and to find out about her books including her most recent story entitled The Trouble with Nathan, and also her upcoming works.
Please tell us about you. Where are you from? What is your professional background and how did you become an author?
I grew up in San Francisco, California and was pretty much a book junkie from day one. I couldn’t read enough, which is part of the reason I think I became a writer. I fell in love with storytelling. As far as how I became an author? Probably the most important thing I did, other than write, was to join Romance Writers of America and really start to learn the craft; and it is a craft. From there, it was keeping my eye on the goal of being published by taking advantage of every opportunity that came my way: contests, workshops, networking with other authors, finding the right critique partners. Eventually a contest final (the Golden Heart) helped me get my first agent, then my second and finally… a couple of publishing contracts.
What types of books do you write?
I write romance–pretty much any genre of romance, but right now I’m writing sweet contemporary romance, mainstream contemporary romance, and romantic suspense. I tend to write romances with very strong, independent heroines who might not need a man, but when they find the one they want, that’s when the real fun starts.
Could you please tell us about your most recent book, its overall plot, and the main characters in it?
Well, I have one that just came out, THE TROUBLE WITH NATHAN, which wraps up my Tremayne family romance series (ASKING FOR TROUBLE and HERE COMES TROUBLE, mainstream contemporary romance). While the series has focused on various aspects of life (kids, family, illness, social issues, and community), the over-arching storyline of Nemesis, a cat burglar with a social conscience, gives these stories a bit of a suspense edge. Nathan Tremayne is fighting to protect his family by proving his father innocent of a crime he actually didn’t commit, but Laurel Scott is definitely getting in the way as she plots to bring down the Tremaynes for reasons of her own. Sounds like a match made in heaven, right?
My upcoming release on June 1st is RECIPE FOR REDEMPTION and is the second in my Butterfly Harbor series for Harlequin Heartwarming (sweet romance). Abby Manning needs to win a cooking competition to save the town’s landmark. Only one problem: she’s a complete disaster in the kitchen. Enter disgraced celebrity chef Jason Corwin, if Abby can convince him to teach her to cook. This one was a lot of fun to write as it has some new comedic aspects for me. Definitely kept me excited about getting to the keyboard every day.
Are you working on any other books(s)? If so, can you please tell us what we can expect to see from you in the future?
I am just putting the finishing editing touches on my November release, MORE THAN A LAWMAN. This is the first book in my Honor Bound trilogy which focuses on three friends whose lives were changed by the murder of their friend twenty years before. In this story, reporter Eden St. Claire’s investigation into the Iceman killings has left her squarely in the murderer’s crosshairs and long-time friend Detective Cole Delany’s protective custody.
Can you please tell us about your approach to writing? For example, do you follow structures and writing rules? Or do you write in a free flow way? Do you have any particular time of the day you like to write? Or any specific environment you prefer to sit down and write in?
I’m kind of a free for all writer. I find each of my stories take on a life of their own when it comes to how I write them. Sometimes I plot, other times I don’t. Sometimes I know exactly what the story is the second I begin, other times, I’m still figuring it out as I get to the end. I definitely try to follow the main structure and writing rules as far as point of view and the like, but I think the rest of it? Rules are interesting. I think it’s fine to break them IF you can do it well (like some authors do). But not all the rules work for everyone, in my opinion. I’ve taken a lot of classes, been to a lot of workshops, and worked with a lot of teachers, and while I can say I’ve pulled something from each of those experiences that I use when I write, I can’t say their entire process works for me. Every writer is different. What works for one won’t necessarily work for another. Finding what does work for you, and being okay with that, is half the battle to success I think.
I tend to write at least five days a week, usually for a few hours in the morning, and then about double that time in the afternoon. I’ve been trying to get by on the full-time writing, but…that might have to change in the near future (bills to pay!), but I’m going to be starting a content editing service for writers. As far as where I write? I actually write in my kitchen on an old laptop without virus protection so I can’t go on line and “research” (or Facebook or Tweet). And the phone stays in the back of the house. That pesky thing can be so distracting!
Do you have any favourite authors? If so, who are they and what do you like about their work?
My all-time favourite author is Nora Roberts and her alter ego JD Robb. I’ve read everything she’s ever written (okay, I have to confess, I’m about 4 books behind about now). She was the first romance author I ever read, so I think there’s some sentimentality there. But she’s also just a fantastic storyteller who gets character. My second-favourite is Sherrilyn Kenyon. Her Dark-Hunter series is phenomenal and again, character, character, character. And dark, dark heroes struggling to overcome their pasts. Her work just gives me chills.
Aside from those, I’m also a big Stephen King (THE STAND is one of my all-time favourite books) and Dean Koontz fan. I think I’ve read THE WATCHERS about a trillion times! And then of course there’s Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte. I’d also list Zora Neale Hurston as one of those authors who really opened my eyes to the beauty of words. She wrote with such poetic prose.
What other things do you like to get up to when you’re not writing?
These days not much, but I am an avid TV viewer and movie-goer. I’m also one of those die-hard action movie fans. I can take or leave a romantic comedy (ha! For a romance writer I think that might get me in trouble), but those big blockbusters? Yeah, you can usually find me at the theater on opening day.
How can people find out more about you?
Best place to find out is my website: I’m also frequently on Facebook and I pop over to Twitter occasionally. But I keep my website updated regularly, so yeah. That’s definitely the best place to find me.
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Hiten Vyas is the Founder and Managing Editor of eBooks India. He is also a prolific eBook writer with over 25 titles to his name.[/author_info] [/author]