We interviewed author Vineet Vaidya about his book entitled Staring at Infinity. Read on to learn what Vineet had to say about how he came about to become an author, and about his work. He also shared some inspirational words to help budding authors out there.
Welcome to e-Books India, Vineet! We’re very happy to have you with us. Please tell us some more about you. Where do you come from, what work do you do, and how did you become an author?
Thanks! I belong to Himachal Pradesh and came to Delhi after schooling, have stayed across different locations in India, including Jamshedpur, Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Kolkata and Delhi; and though there are regional and cultural differences across the country, the basic values of humanity are the same across all regions/religions and communities. It is this common denominator that sparked the thought of writing something which is simple, easy to comprehend and carries something about a common man’s life. Readers of my book Staring at Infinity have commented that it carries some stories/incidents, which they feel have been taken from their lives and some important things which they can share with their families.
You’re the author of the book entitled Staring at Infinity. Can you please tell us a bit
about this story?
Infinity stands for time. A common man looks at so many things happening in his life and tries to learn from them. Radhey, from the first generation of independent India has now a retired. He accounts his struggle and stories in Staring at Infinity (SAI). Every incident/story has a message associated with it. This includes lessons learnt in a small non-descript village during childhood, the fancy bachelorhood or the Corporate world etc. Incidents from each of the aspects of life give a subtle message, a thought to reflect and introspect. He reflects at how the environment and values have changed from independence till now and if we continue at the same pace, what are we heading for?
What inspired you to write Staring at Infinity?
My parents have been a great inspiration for me. In addition, the pure and pristine environment of Shimla, made me learn and respect human values. But today, when we look at the world around us, we hear incidents of crime, cheating, violence etc. Somewhere down the line, we have forgotten that good things still exist. It was this thought that initiated the writing of Staring at Infinity.
What other things inspire your writing?
Human values and brotherhood are some thoughts which inspire me to think and reflect on our behaviour. Also, my family and friends have inspired and supported me when I was writing SAI.
From your experiences of writing and publishing Staring at Infinity, can you please share 3 top tips with budding authors who would like to do the same?
One thing to start with is – Why am I writing it? Then, have faith and patience. If your objective is clear you surely will reach the goal that you have set. Do your best and believe in it. When you write something new, you create a new identity, something that didn’t exist earlier. Your creation will attract opinions, positive and not so positive, but remember that handling critique is the biggest quality that an author should have.
Are you working on any other book(s)? If so, can you please tell us some more?
I have a firm belief that anything that I write would have some social message associated with it. At present I am working on a couple of themes, but, yet to finalise on the topic for the next book.
How can people find out more about you?
I am reachable at www.facebook.com/staringatinfinity or staringatinfinity@gmail.com.
Getting a Copy of Staring at Infinity
We would like to express our gratitude to Vineet for answering our questions. If you would like to get a copy of his book Staring at Infinity, it is available at stores such as Flipkart and Amazon.
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://writingtipsoasis.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/hv1.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Hiten Vyas is the Founder and Managing Editor of eBooks India. He is also a prolific eBook writer with over 25 titles to his name.[/author_info] [/author]