If you’re author who is also a parent wondering whether to give your child or children an e-book reader, or a tablet for reading, an article by Kristen Chase at Cool Mom Tech will help you.
Below is an excerpt from Kristen’s piece:
“While we’re big fans of tablets, when it comes to e-book readers, you don’t have to worry about distractions. It’s just too easy for them to click away from their book and play apps, watch YouTube shows, you get the idea. Heck, we do the same things ourselves and we’re adults, so we know how easy it is for kids to be tempted.
With an e-book reader, they only have access to books, so you don’t have to worry that during their reading time, they’re actually trying to beat the next level in Candy Crush. Sure, there’s a time and place for that, but at bedtime especially, we want to know that our kids are reading and not doing anything else. Except, you know, sleeping.”
Read the whole article here.
Three cheers for e-book readers!
Image credit: Stephan Ridgway on flickr and reproduced under Creative Commons 2.0
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://writingtipsoasis.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/hv1.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Hiten Vyas is the Founder and Managing Editor of eBooks India. He is also a prolific eBook writer with over 25 titles to his name.[/author_info] [/author]