Introduction Writing a novel based on a true story is one of the most difficult feats for a writer. It’s probably easier to write an epic fantasy novel, in comparison, because in a fantasy novel, you do not have to worry about the truth, the real people your story will affect, and of course, the infinitesimal possibility that the real story is not as dramatic and as impactful … [Read more...] about How to Write a Novel Based on a True Story
How to Market a Fantasy Novel
So, you may have written your novel, published it (via traditional means, or independently on your own), and now you’re wondering what should your next step be. And, if you’re doing that, then there is a lot more than you need to learn about the publishing process. On the other hand, you may know what is supposed to follow – marketing your fantasy novel to potential readers – … [Read more...] about How to Market a Fantasy Novel
How to Write a Political Thriller Novel
Introduction There are many things that can be said about political thrillers. Primarily, they give the readers interesting insight into local, national, and more often than not, worldwide politics. Secondarily, they remind the readers that no matter how crazy the recent headlines might seem, things could always get worse – especially beyond the surface. As such, the … [Read more...] about How to Write a Political Thriller Novel
How to Write Adventure Fiction
Introduction Most stories are adventure stories. This stems from the fact that most stories – especially good stories – take the protagonist and the characters on a journey. Sometimes that journey is an inner one, especially in literary novels that focus on the studying of a character. Other times, the journey is purely an external one, where the protagonist leaves their own … [Read more...] about How to Write Adventure Fiction
How to Write a Psychological Horror Novel
Introduction What is your worst fear? The Horror genre grabs your primordial fears - of being alone in the dark, of being chased by a Lovecraftian monster, or chased by a demon or a clown – and brings them to the surface. All those fears that dwell deep within us, the Horror genre exploits them and brings them forward; it scares you, thrills you, makes your heart race and … [Read more...] about How to Write a Psychological Horror Novel