Does the following describe you?
You’ve just written a manuscript for a children’s book and now want to get it published.
You’re searching for a publisher, but are unsure of which one would be the best for your book, and hence who you should submit a manuscript too.
Don’t fret. We’ve got you covered.
Continue reading to learn about 19 top children’s publishers seeking submissions in the US and UK.
1. Piccadilly Press
Piccadilly Press is one of the oldest connoisseurs of children’s fiction in UK. So if you dabble in children’s literature, there’s no way you can go wrong with them! A subsidiary of Bonnier Books, Piccadilly Press publishes fun, engaging, family-oriented tales for kids aged 5-12. Their author list features top names like Julie Berry, Tom Banks, Jon Claydon; and you too can feature on this list if your work is creative enough for their editors. Luckily, Piccadilly Press has an open submission policy, and you can always send in a query letter along with a copy of your manuscript here.
2. Ransom Publishing
Yet another veteran in the publishing industry, the journey of Ransom Publishing spans back to twenty long and eventful years. This was strangely formed out of an accident when business partners Jenny Ertle and Steve Rickard decided to come up with a business in the honor of a ‘Ransom’, a stray cat. Starting out as a multimedia company, Ransom Publishing soon shifted their interest to books, and barring the first few years, they’ve been entirely focused on publishing engaging titles for ‘reluctant readers’. Two decades down the line, Ransom Publishing is still going strong and like always, they’re welcoming titles that appeal to young readers, regardless of their reading abilities or age. Since award winning children’s authors like Jil Atkins, Penny Bates and Susan Elkins have published with them- you can always count on Ransom for proper and consistent distribution. The company is currently open for submissions. So if you have a, compelling children’s title to share- send in a copy of your manuscript here.
3. Badger Learning
A true pioneer of children’s literature, Badger Learning is an UK based publishing house that specializes in engaging and interactive resources for kids. Established in 1989, this company is a subsidiary of Pandora Books and as of now, it is handled by Susan Ross who happens to be the Publishing Director of the company. Right from their very inception, Badger Learning has been extensively focused on coming up with engaging titles that compel kids to take an active interest in reading. So although they focus on educational materials, you can also get in touch with them with your intriguing, morally uplifting short stories. ‘Mama Barkfingers’, ‘The First Martian’ and ‘Billy Button’ are a couple of their bestselling teen fiction. So if you have something similar in store, get in touch with them here.
4. Andersen Press
Established in 1976 by Klaus Flugge, Andersen Press is a London based publishing company that actively publishes hundreds of children’s titles every year. Over the last four decades, the company has published more than 2000 titles including classics like ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and ‘The Little Princess’. Andersen Press takes an active interest in children’s fiction that is unconventional, creative and absolutely engaging. So if you’ve penned down something in a similar vein, send in a copy of your manuscript here.
5. Floris Books
If you’re fond of writing classic Scottish Fiction, Floris Books can be your best bet. Based in Edinburgh, Scotland, this independent publishing house has always been fond of fresh, unconventional and creative ideas. Although they’ve had humble beginnings, over the last few years, Floris Books have managed to establish a solid reputation such that they’re often touted to be the biggest children’s book company in Scotland. And their success doesn’t end there! In November 2016, they even managed to bag the Saltire Society Scottish Publisher of the Year award. Need I say more? This publishing house has worked with award winning authors like Elsa Belkow, and although they focus on classic Scottish tales with a tinge of nostalgia, you can also send in a copy of your popular fiction (meant for kids) to them. As of now they’re accepting submissions for picture books, short stories and novels (between 30,000 to 60,000 words). So if you have a similar work to share, send in a copy of your manuscript here.
6. Templar Publishing
Best known for their picture books and pre-school resources, Templar Publishing is one of the oldest publishing houses to be featured on our list. Based in King’s Road, London, this company was formed in 1978 with primary the intent of disseminating illustrated texts among newbie readers. Over the time, the platform gave into common demand and started publishing quirky fiction titles for kids and young adults. Within the last four decades, they’ve managed to publish their works in more than 25 languages in almost 50+ countries. During this time, they’ve also had the chance to work with award winning creative professionals like Vicky Woodgate, Yuval Zommer and Wayne Anderson. Templar is currently up for hard copy submissions- so if you have a good work to share, contact them on this page.
7. Ginger Books
Established by Natalia Kovaleva, Ginger Books is a one stop solution for anyone who loves writing children’s fiction or non-fiction. This UK based platform primarily focuses on publishing books for kids aged 2-11. So if you’re more comfortable with writing teen or YA fiction, you can always choose from the other publishing houses featured on our list. That being said, Ginger Books heartily welcomes authors who are looking to start their career with children’s literature. While they don’t have any specific pre-requisites, you book needs to be creative, informative and fun to read in order to make a cut here. You can also come up with classic tales translated from other languages. Luckily, this publishing house is currently open for submissions- so if you have some relevant work to share, contact them on this page.
8. Mantra Lingua
If you’re fond of writing multi-lingual children’s fiction, you ought to give Mantra Lingua a try! Based in UK, this independent publishing house has come up with several award-winning resources for little ones. Whether its fiction, how-to-guides, science books or thrillers- they’ve covered it all. And their success doesn’t just end here! In addition to coming up with quality content, Mantra Lingua has also covered books in almost every European language. Luckily enough, the platform is currently open for submissions. So if you think your multi-lingual tales can make the cut, here’s a quick link to their submission guidelines.
9. Hogs Back Books
Hogs Back Books is a small publishing house, nestled in streets of Guildford, Surrey. The platform was co-founded in 2010 by medical journalist Karen Stevens and civil engineer Tom Stevens. The duo came up with Hogs Back to give newcomers their ‘much coveted recognition’ in the publishing industry. Interestingly, they’ve managed to live by this promise by partnering with both small and large-scale distribution outlets. Unlike conventional publishing platforms, Hogs Back distributes its books via non-mainstream outlets like art shops, farm galleries and the likes of it. While the platform is best known for their picture books, off-late they’re also accepting young adult novels. So in case you’re looking to collaborate with them, here’s everything you need to know about their submission guidelines.
10. Firefly Books
Although they’re relatively new in the publishing industry, Firefly Books is a perfect option for newbie authors who love penning down quirky tales. Whether it’s a story of dragons, witches, pretty ladybirds or the pitch dark streets of Victorian England- this company publishes them all. Firefly was established only three years back, and being small publisher, they only roll out eight books (a year) for kids aged 5-19. But despite publishing limited number of titles, Firefly has always managed to grab the spot light with its best-selling titles like ‘Three Strikes’ and ‘Gaslight’. Although the platform is currently closed for unsolicited fiction submissions, they’ll open the submission process from 1st September 2018. So if you have a couple of good works to share, here’s a link to their official page.
P.S- Firefly is currently open for nonfiction submissions. So you can send in your non-fiction manuscripts immediately.
11. Dial Books For Young Readers
A subsidiary of Penguin Random house, Dial Books is one of the biggest US based publishers of children’s books. Since their inception in 1961, the company has been completely driven to come up with enriching and entertaining books for young readers. And going by their titles, they surely seem to have achieved their goal. Some of the best-selling titles from the platform include “roller Girl’, ‘I’ll Give You The Sun’, and ‘A Boy, A Dog and A Frog’. Dial Books has an open submission policy, and you can always send in a copy of your young adult fiction here.
12. Albert Whitman & Company
With a history that dates back to the early nineties, Albert Whitman & Company is one of the oldest and the most prestigious publishing houses to be featured on our list. Publishing around forty titles every year, like Dial Books, this platform too comes with an open submissions policy. The company is always on the lookout for engaging titles with a quirky twist. So if you’ve written something similar as their bestselling titles like ‘The Boxcar Children’ and ‘One More Dino On the Floor’, here’s a quick link to their submission guidelines page.
13. Arbordale Publishing
Founded in 2004 Donna and Lee German, Arbordale is an independent publishing company that particularly focuses on educational resources for kids. Over the last fourteen years, this South Carolina based company has rolled out hundreds of books on earth science, physics, mathematics and general literature. So if you’ve written short tales that are meant to educate kids in a fun and interactive way- this platform is definitely the best fit for you. Arbordale is currently accepting submissions and you can always take a look at their submission guidelines here.
14. Penny Candy Books
Established in 2017, Penny Candy is a small Oklahoma based publishing agency that seeks engaging, gritty and creative children’s fiction. The organization was founded by Chad Reynolds with the sole mission of publishing kid’s fiction that is both realistic and fun to read. And within just one year, he seems to have achieved his goal. Since Penny Candy has worked with top authors like Morgan Clement and David Bizzaro, you can always count on them for proper distribution. The platform is currently up for submissions. Contact them here for the submission guidelines.
15. Quirk Books
Living up to their company name, Quirk Books is one of the biggest connoisseurs of quirky and unconventional children’s fiction. Their office is based in Philadelphia, and although they’ve only been in business since 2002, Quirk Books has managed to establish a solid reputation among kids and young adults. Unlike many other children’s publishers, Quirk is really focused on the quality of books they publish. Due to this reason, they only publish twenty five titles every year. But don’t let their stringent policies deter you, because if you’re work is good enough, Quirk will surely give it a try. Luckily enough, Quirk Books is currently open for submissions, and you always contact them here.
16. Little Pickle Press
Like Quirk Books, Little Pickle is yet another platform that entirely focuses on unconventional moral tales for kids. The platform is fond of stories that have the redeeming qualities of bravery, morality, honesty, and unlike many other platforms they an ‘anti princess policy’. To put it simply, Little Pickle only accepts realistic stories that have some moral value associated with it. A perfect platform for newcomers, Little Pickle is currently open for submissions. Visit this page for a full scoop on their submission guidelines.
18. OnStage Publishing
Established almost a decade back, ‘OnStage Publishing’ is an independent children’s book publisher that specializes in educational texts for kids. Their office is based in Madison, USA, and like UK’s Ransom Publishing, they started their business with the primary intent to introduce ‘reading’ among little ones. Perhaps this is the reason why they’re particularly fond of works that are simple to read and entertaining at the same time. But while OnStage has always been inclined towards educational resources, they’ve also published quite a few children’s fictions. Starting off with ‘The Legacy of The Bltechley Park’, Onstage soon rose to publicity with their ‘China Clipper’ series. The publishing house is currently open for submissions. So if you’ve written something in similar vein, contact them here.
19. Free Spirit Publishing
Established in 1983 by author Judy Galbraith, Free Spirit Publishing is a US based publishing company that entirely focuses on children’s non-fiction. While they do work with quite a few fiction titles every year, your chances of getting accepted is automatically higher when you come up with a non-fiction, educational resource. As of now, Free Spirit only publishes 20-25 titles every year. So you work will only make it through the top if it happens to be good enough. As of now, Free Spirit has an open submissions policy and you can always get in touch with them here.
Do you know any other children’s publishers seeking submissions? Please tell us about them in the comments box below!
I am Ruposhree, a regular happy-go-lucky girl with not-so-regular (read extraordinary) dreams. I love reading, obsessing over random TV series, dreaming of unrealistic vacations, and most importantly, trying my hand at writing. I want to believe that I somehow have a way with words and maybe one day I’ll manage to see and be everything that I ever dreamt of!