If you’re an author in Australia who has written a Christian book and would like to get it published, it makes sense to send your work to a religious publisher who specialises in Christian books.
To help you find such a publisher, we’ve put together the following list of 4 top Christian publishers in Australia.
Continue reading to find out who they are.
1. Acorn Press
Acorn Press was formed in 1979 and is a major Australian interdenominational Christian publisher. Owned by the Bible Society Australia who acquired Acorn Press in 2017, this publisher produces books from a Christian perspective for an Australian readership. If you’re an Australian author who has written a book that aims to challenge its readers to consider life issues faced by people in the modern world, Acorn Press may very well be interested in taking a look at your book. An acceptor of both unsolicited manuscripts, it also is a commissioner of manuscripts. Your submission needs to be of the highest quality, and Acorn Press will consider your work if you’re submitting as a new author, or an established, published one. Acorn Press is currently publishing primarily nonfiction and topics of books it is looking for include bible studies, evangelism, biographies, mission histories, pastoral care, Islam and other religions.
The submission process used by Acorn is split into three steps. Step one involves you forwarding a short summary of your book (200 words maximum). Acorn Press advises you to treat this summary as a book pitch, or the blurb on the back cover that explains what readers will learn from you book and what benefit they would gain from it. This summary needs to be emailed to kargall@acornpress.net.au and addressed to Kristin Argall, Deputy Editor of Bible Society Australia. In step two, Acorn Press will request you to complete its Manuscript Proposal Form if it finds your summary to be of interest. After your submission has been received, Acorn Press and the Bible Society of Australia will review it and you will be notified by email if it has been shortlisted for discussion by the editorial committee. If the editorial committee likes your proposal, in step three you’ll be requested to submit your complete manuscript in Microsoft Word format. Do take a look at the full submission guidelines for more details.
2. Morning Star Press
An independent publisher in Melbourne, Morning Star Press aims to produce books that help readers to live life ethically. The books it publishes are about topics associated with Christian churches, such as scripture, worship, theology, ethics, spirituality and history. It also publishes works for readers living their lives beyond conventional church frameworks. If you’re interested in making a submission, Morning Star Press is seeking book proposals about Christianity and spirituality. In particular, this publisher is interested in books that deal with social issues in the modern world, and is also happy to review proposals for fiction books, travel, memoir and history. To begin the submission process, you need to send a brief proposal that outlines your book topic and its advantages, along with your biography. Take a look here for further details.
3. Matthias Media
Matthias Media is a Christian evangelical publisher based in Sydney, Australia. It is an organisation dedicated to publishing books and other resources such as training programs, tracts and Bible studies that energise, bring to the fore and support growth of the gospel. It has three points in its criteria for new publications. Point one looks at whether the book or other resource meets the needs of a substantial gospel ministry. The second point looks at whether the content is loyal to the Bible, and the third point involves ensuring the quality of the book or another resource is of a high standard. If you would like to make a submission to Matthias Media, you should note that it doesn’t accepting unsolicited manuscripts unlike these Australian publishers. However, it is happy to receive book proposals and proposals for other resources. If you have an idea that could be turned into a book for Christian growth, evangelism, or gospel growth, you can send a short outline of a maximum of two-three paragraphs to submissions@matthiasmedia.com.au. Take a look at this page for full submission details. It usually takes Matthias Media a few months to assess new proposals.
4. Garratt Publishing
Based in Mulgrave, Victoria, Garratt Publishing is Australia’s premier publisher and distributor of Catholic books and other educational resources for the Catholic community in Australia and across the world. It also produces print and digital products for readers interested in Christianity in general and for those who are looking for books about religion, spirituality, social justice and education. Garratt Publishing is currently closed to submissions. Keep an eye on this page for information on when it opens its submissions window again.
Are you a Christian publisher in Australia? Do you run an Australian religious publishing house?
Please tell us about your organisation and the types of Christian books you publish in the comments box below!
4 Top Christian Publishers in Australia is an article from Writing Tips Oasis.
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[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://writingtipsoasis.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/hv1.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Hiten Vyas is the Founder and Managing Editor of Writing Tips Oasis.[/author_info] [/author]