This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Linda Sprott won the Novelicious Pinterest Prompt in January with a brilliant piece of crime flash fiction. Grab a brew and have a read. Fancy seeing your own writing here? Be sure to enter this month’s Pinterest Prompt on Novelicious.
By Linda Sprott
How long did she sit there before she realised he wasn’t coming back?
The scene was set for her final performance. There she was in her sequined costume, her feet pointing, her hands draped on the dressing table and her head resting on them.
The photographers were doing their work, taking shots from all different angles. She was the star she had always wanted to be, the centre of attention, a solo performance.
All eyes were on her, noting every detail. The mirror was covered in cobwebs and there was a layer of dust on the dressing table and on the many pots and potions that a dancer required to make up her face. In the far corner there was a chair facing into the room towards the dancer. Her audience of one.
Riley looked at the photograph. She was beautiful, a redhead with green eyes and the lithe body of a dancer. Everything matched, all the detail was there. He had sent them this, signing it as a Johnny. He mocked them, dared them to do their best.
The fifth photograph, the fifth dancer.
He looked up as the cameras stopped flashing. Others would come and play their part. He heard the zip as the body bag covered her face.
She was finally leaving this room, the stage. Her swan song was over.