Ready to travel back in time?
Don’t stick your nose in a stuffy non-fiction book! Welcome to the world of historical fiction, where you can explore the past in a completely different light.
However, finding reads in this fictional genre can sometimes be difficult – and that’s why these top historical fiction Bookstagrammers are here to help! Start your literary journey today with help from these top Instagram accounts. Scroll down to learn more.
1. @Dariasbookstagram
Calling all readers, Daria’s Bookstagram is here to blow your mind! This Portland-based reader is dedicated to providing a steady stream of book reviews and recommendations to her impressive 18,300 followers. Historical fiction novels continually feature on Daria’s page, ensuring you never miss the top titles in the game.
Content on Daria’s page includes the top historical fiction books of the year, singular book reviews, flat-lay images, book stacks, and much more. Daria reviews books in other genres, including romance and thriller titles – perfect if you want to explore different genres.
Find Daria on Instagram here.
2. @Stephonashelf
Stephanie’s Bookstagram is dedicated to all things books, travel, and cats! If you want historical fiction recommendations with a side of lifestyle content, this is the page for you. With 21,000 followers, Stephanie’s page is a must-follow for bookish Instagram users.
Stephanie has read an impressive 200+ books in 2022, and reviews of the top reads are constant here. From the best historical fiction books of the year to seasonal book recommendations, Stephanie ensures her followers always have a new title to check out. Plus, her feed offers aesthetic flat-lays with books from all genres. Satisfying and educational!
Find Stephanie on Instagram here.
3. @The_reel_bookery
Add a juicy historical fiction read into your life with help from Shannon and her historical-inspired Bookstagram. This digital creator and book reviewer’s feed is packed with historical tales and romances, plus she owns an online book club! No page is left unturned here. Currently, Shannon has 14,300 followers.
Shannon’s posts are well-organized and always on theme, making scrolling on her Instagram page a delightful experience. Whether you want to chuckle at a bookish meme or see a quick book overview, her Instagram is here to help. Shannon’s page also includes a variety of Christian reads and illustrated books for children, recommendations for all needs!
Find Shannon on Instagram here.
4. @Notinjersey
Looking for historical fiction recommendations from a fellow mom? Add Dara’s Bookstagram to your following list today! This Kansas City-based reviewer is a mom to three who reads whenever possible. With 14,000 followers and an abundance of historical fiction recommendations, Dara’s account is great to explore.
Posts on Dara’s feed include the best books of the year, monthly reading wrap-ups, singular book reviews, and insights into her own life. While not every book on Dara’s feed is strictly historical fiction, many of the titles feature whisk you back in time. Other genres on this feed include Jewish fiction, romance, autobiographies, and more.
Find Dara on Instagram here.
5. @Bookshelf_taylorsversion
Taylor is a NYC-based Bookstagrammer that’s on a mission to update the world on her literary favorites. This reader focuses on historical fiction, thrillers, fantasy, and romance books. With over 4,100 followers and an aesthetic Instagram, Taylor’s Bookstagram is here to keep you in the literary loop.
Taylor’s feed includes reviews of top historical fiction books, such as The Magnolia
Palace, Bindle Punk Bruja, Indiscreet Princess, and many more. Taylor’s well-thought-out book reviews will inspire you to hit the bookstores ASAP.
Find Taylor on Instagram here.
6. @Dunkintoagoodbook
Courtney is a Bookstagrammer with a taste for all types of literature – including high-quality historical fiction tales. Alongside being a teacher and grad student, Courtney has read over 100+ books in 2022 and her reading journey is set to continue for years to come. Currently, Courtney has 22,200 followers on the social media platform.
Content on Courtney’s Bookstagram includes a countdown of the best historical fiction books, romance book reviews, thriller book recommendations, monthly reading wrap-ups, trending books, flat-lays, and much more. Historical fiction featured on this account includes titles from Taylor Jenkins Reid, Sarah I. Maas, and many more acclaimed authors.
Find Courtney on Instagram here.
7. @Readwithmason
Add a splash of color to your feed with Mason’s vibrant Bookstagram posts. This popular poster keeps her 18,800 followers updated with stacks of books, unique reviews, and cute pictures of her two kitties. Mason reads all genres, but she features a lot of historical fiction novels in her Instagram posts.
From the top historical fiction reads to seasonal book recommendations, Mason ensures her followers receive unbiased ratings and opinions on all literature. Historical fiction books featured on Mason’s page include Take My Hand, The Wedding Veil, and The Diamond Eye.
Find Mason on Instagram here.
8. @Read.with.prncss1204
If you’re searching for a fellow historical fiction lover, Sarah’s Bookstagram should be on your follow list. This avid reader favors historical fiction titles, alongside romance and thriller titles. Sarah currently has 4,736 followers, and we expect to see this count grow very quickly!
When you explore Sarah’s account, you’ll find her favorite annual reads, complete book reviews, recommendations, and general book-related posts. Popular historical fiction books based on Sarah’s page include The Marriage Portrait, The Rose Code, and many more. Sarah also includes flat-lay images and book stacks to inspire followers to get out there and read more books!
Find Sarah on Instagram here.
9. @Overlookingcovers
Prefer historical fiction books that blur the lines between fact and fantasy? Arianna’s Bookstagram is the place for you. This digital creator posts historical fiction and fantasy reviews, and many of the books here combine elements of both genres. Currently, Arianna has just over 2,700 followers.
As you scroll down Arianna’s feed, you’ll find a plethora of reviews, book summaries, and book stack recommendations. Each individual book has a spoiler-free review and a star rating, helping you decide which is for you.
Find Arianna on Instagram here.
10. @Laurapatriciarosereads
Searching for a UK-based historical fiction Bookstagram? Laura’s Instagram page is here to help. With a focus on historical fiction, fantasy fiction, and gorgeous book covers, Laura’s page is paradise for a keen reader. Right now, Laura has over 2,400 followers.
Laura’s Bookstagram page includes aesthetically posed book images, book stack recommendations, overall book summaries, book reviews, and much more. For stylish posts and the best history-related reads, follow Laura today.
Find Laura on Instagram here.