You are a writer and not a corporate entity, so is there really a need for you to brand yourself? This is a confusing question for any writer. Some say that they don’t see the need to brand themselves because their work matters the most. And there are those other, probably more worldly wise writers who do a lot to create their brand.
If you are still not sure whether to brand yourself or not, think from your reader’s point of view. Today many a reader thinks, “Should I spend my time connecting with this author?” before they think, “Should I spend my time and money on reading this book?” Brand building is important for you as an author because it is just another mode of communication. And if you are not able to connect with your audience, how do you intend to make them read your work? Please keep in mind that brand building does not convert you into a commodity. It rather gives you the edge in this intensely competitive domain and increases your fan base.
Let us now look at the how part of building a writer brand.
Get your personality in place
Embrace the fact that you are a writer and this is how you will be for the rest of your life. Define your long term goals as a writer and give fuel to your passion. Do a lot of introspection and build an honest base. This is when your true personality as a writer will come out and you will start your journey towards building your brands.
Get your messages across loud and clear
Now that you know your personality, it is time for your readers to know about it. This can be done by communicating with them. From your website to your lectures at seminars, this new found personality trait of yours should be visible to one and all. People should come to know the kind of person you are and they will yearn to know more. This will create inquisitiveness and your brand value will skyrocket.
Get your core message right and repeat it
What is your purpose of writing? How do you describe your work? These are certain definitions you need to find answers to. And once the answers are with you, keep repeating them at every opportunity. Tell people how powerful your work is even when they are your ardent followers. Tell them what drives you forward and why you decided to become a writer.
Think long term and think cross platform
Brand building is a long term and continuous exercise. There is no stopping once you start. So, think 20 years hence and brand your reputation accordingly. Today it is easy to splash your name all over the place – in print media as well as in social media. Use up all the possible branding platforms so that more and more people come to know about you.
Get your marketing plan right
Too much too soon is a problem that could plague you. It is good if people see you on Facebook and Twitter and in the newspaper, all at the same time. But they can also become cynical if you show more than your work. You have to have a strategy around your brand and if required, a marketing firm can help. Haven’t you noticed how Aamir Khan brands his movies? He plans out every step and so should you.
Do you see how easy it is for you to create your brand? If you are not able to do these above mentioned things properly, you could soon be staring at oblivion. People will love you for your bestsellers. However, the moment a couple of books don’t sell well, they will forget you very fast. But with your brand in place, you will etch your presence in their memory and make them wait for your next possible bestseller.
Image credit: Ahmed Bin-Baz on flickr and reproduced under Creative Commons 2.0.