Are you writing a character who is a bully? If so, this article will show you how to describe a bully in a story through the use of 10 different words.
1. Controlling
Ordering about or limiting something, usually another person’s actions or behavior.
“She could feel the controlling presence of the popular kids in every corner of the school.”
“The matron was incredibly controlling, limiting exactly what the girls ate, how long they slept, and even their haircuts. If she did not like your hair, expect her to brutally modify it to fit her standards.”
How it Adds Description
One of the ways in which bullies are able to get away with their behavior is by asserting dominance over other people and characters. As a result, you can describe them and the effect they have as “controlling.”
2. Crafty
- Clever, but in a dishonest way.
- Skilled at arguing.
“He always had a crafty way of getting out of trouble, even if there were multiple witnesses to what he had done.”
“He was crafty in how he preyed on his victims. He seemed to have an innate ability to sense exactly when the teacher would not be looking.”
How it Adds Description
Bullies need to be able to get away with their antics, and often they can be very deceptive to those who could otherwise intervene. If you need to show how devious your bully is in your story, try describing them as “crafty”.
3. Cruel
Unkind and intentionally causing pain to others.
“Some of the so-called “punishments” he administered were especially cruel.”
“The headmistress was cruel not just to the students, but also to her fellow teachers. No one dared to step out of line when she was patrolling the halls.”
How it Adds Description
Bullies enjoy making others suffer and often can be quite inventive in the ways that they antagonize others. As a result, they are likely incredibly “cruel” characters in your story!
4. Imposing
- Appearing important or demanding admiration.
- Of large size or appearance.
“The school bully was an imposing figure that gathered respect wherever he went. Then again, not many people would have dared to give him anything less.”
“The bully’s imposing frame loomed over the nerd like an ominous shadow.”
How it Adds Description
“Imposing” can be a great word to use for the bully in your story, as it can not only help you to show how they influence others and their often high status, but also for some bullies, can show their immense physical presence.
5. Manipulative
Controlling others to one’s own advantage, usually without their knowledge.
“It was so easy to trick the new kids. All she had to do was be manipulative: use her popularity, act all coy and sweet, and they would do anything for her.”
“The manipulative bully had all of the teachers wrapped around their little finger. In their eyes, they couldn’t do anything wrong.”
How it Adds Description
Bullies need to assert power and control over others, and one of the ways that they can do that is by being “manipulative”. This could either be getting others to do things they might not necessarily want to do or, using this skill to be able to get away with everything, often to the annoyance and despair of other characters.
6. Powerful
- Strong.
- Having the power to control people and events.
“He was so powerful that every decision that was made in the house had to go through him. If he did not like it, it was not going to happen.”
“The jock even commanded respect among his own followers. If you crossed him, expect a powerful tackle in the next football training session by “accident”. At least 3 of his teammates had suffered broken bones at his hands, and the tally did not look like it would stop any time soon.”
How it Adds Description
“Powerful” is a word that works twofold for the bully in your story. Not only can it help to explain the influence that they have over others, but it can also show for some the physical strength they command which is likely part of their success as an antagonist.
7. Relentless
Continuing in an extreme and determined way without signs of stopping.
“The bully was relentless in his pursuit to make his life a living hell.”
“Enraged, the bully’s assault on him was so relentless that it took five teachers to be able to drag him away.”
How it Adds Description
Often, bullies can make their victims feel like their torture is never-ending, or have a lack of control when it comes to when to stop. If this fits how the bully in your story behaves, consider describing them or their actions as “relentless”.
8. Sadistic
Finding joy or pleasure in hurting other people.
“The schoolmistress seemed to have a sadistic sense of pride based upon how many girls looked sad and miserable by the end of the school day.”
“The boy was so sadistic with his peers that many of the teachers had made a bet as to whether he would turn out to be a serial killer one of these days.”
How it Adds Description
It’s not uncommon for those that purposefully inflict pain and suffering on others to enjoy it, whether secretly or overtly showing their pleasure. Bullies can often fall into this category, and so you can call them “sadistic”.
9. Stifling
Preventing something from happening.
“The stifling presence of the king meant that everyone had become timid mice.”
“He could feel the stifling breath of the school bully down his collar. He knew he was in trouble.”
How it Adds Description
Although usually reserved for places that are unusually hot to the point where they are uncomfortable, “stifling” can also be used to refer to the bully in your story. It can both serve to illustrate the atmosphere they bring with them, but also their ability to stop everyone from being themselves.
10. Threatening
Providing a possibility for something unwanted or harmful to happen.
“The bully didn’t need to get a weekend job. After all, they probably made more from threatening the lunch money out of freshmen than any of the kids at the mall made in an entire shift.”
“She shot him a threatening glance which made him quiver in his boots.”
How it Adds Description
Even when bullies are not actively hurting people, they are creating an atmosphere that makes their victims acutely aware that they could do so at any moment. These “threatening” behaviors are a must in any bully’s arsenal!