Are you writing a farm setting and need some help? Below you’ll learn how to describe a farm in a story through using 10 words as a basis.
1. Stinky
Somewhere or something that smells unpleasant.
“As soon as she stepped onto the stinky farm, she felt nauseous and wanted to run away.”
“He hated the stinky farm, but he put up with it because of his love for the animals.
How it Adds Description
The word “stinky” provides extra insight into the farm setting smells, which can build up a vivid picture for your reader. Additionally, if a character calls a farm “stinky,” it shows they find the smell of the animals unpleasant and want to leave. “Stinky” could also point to a lack of hygiene or cleanliness on the farm.
2. Rustic
Somewhere that’s typical of the countryside or more simple.
“Despite the changes in the modern world, the rustic farm always remained the same.”
“The rustic farm was behind the times, but it felt like home to her. She was always comfortable here.”
How it Adds Description
“Rustic” is an adjective commonly associated with farms and countryside dwellings. This word shows the setting is more rural or simple, giving more details on what the society is like there. If a character uses the word “rustic,” it could hint they enjoy the simplicity of the farm.
3. Serene
Somewhere that’s quiet and calm.
“As the sun set above the serene farm, all the animals gathered around to watch the magnificent display.”
“He laid down amongst the hay and took in the beauty of the serene farm.”
How it Adds Description
“Serene” shows your farm is a calm place to be, which sets it up as a positive setting. You can use this peaceful atmosphere to show characters feel comfortable and safe at the farm, and thus it can contrast negative places in your novel. “Serene” also hints that the place is away from the chaos of big cities.
4. Simple
Somewhere that’s uncomplicated or basic.
“He was sick of the simple farm. He knew he was destined for the buzz of the city.”
“The simple farm wasn’t exciting, but it was safe, and that’s all that mattered.”
How it Adds Description
Farms can be “simple” if they lack the technology and comforts of modern life. If a character deems the farm “simple,” it may mean they think it’s old-fashioned or boring. However, “simple” can also be positive, especially if a character finds comfort in the setting’s simplicity.
5. Lively
Somewhere very busy.
“She looked over her fence at the lively farm. There was always something dramatic going on there.”
“The lively farm was home to one hundred chickens, fifty pigs, thirty-five cows, and two humans.”
How it Adds Description
Not all farms are still and peaceful! If you want to convey your farm as a busy and bustling place, the word “lively” is apt. This shows your farm is full of events, people, and animals. Describing your fictional farm as “lively” can also foreshadow exciting events in the future, as there’s a positive buzz about the setting.
6. Peculiar
Somewhere strange, unpleasant, or unusual.
“I don’t feel good at that peculiar farm. Something is going on behind those barn doors…”
“She glanced across the road to the peculiar farm. Something or somebody was lurking in the chicken coop.”
How it Adds Description
If you’re trying to set a strange or mysterious tone to the farm, the word “peculiar” can help. This adjective implies that something odd is happening at the farm, and the use of this word can show your characters are unsettled or scared. This can also build up suspense and foreshadow a scary or intense plot point.
7. Colossal
Something that’s extremely large.
“The new colossal farm was an eyesore on the landscape. You couldn’t ignore its gray walls and endless fields.”
“The village has barely enough space as it is! We don’t have room for a colossal farm here.”
How it Adds Description
“Colossal” is an adjective that emphasizes the large size of something. Therefore, using it to describe your fictional farm shows just how large the settlement is. When used by a character, “colossal” can show awe at the farm’s size. However, “colossal” can also be used to show a character’s dislike of the large farm when paired with negative language.
8. Quaint
Somewhere that’s attractive and old-fashioned.
“It was a quaint farm with painted shutters, old white picket fences, and gingham curtains.”
“She dreamed of leaving the city and living on a quaint farm far away from her modern troubles.”
How it Adds Description
“Quaint” shows that your farm is old-fashioned but in a cute or attractive way. This adjective also shows affection for a place. When used by a character, it may imply they have an emotional connection to the farm or are growing fond of it.
9. Mucky
A place with lots of dirt.
“Though it was a mucky farm, the children weren’t phased. They dived straight into the mud and greeted the animals.”
“A mucky farm was her idea of hell, but she got on with the job to please the gorgeous farmer.”
How it Adds Description
If you want to show your farm is lived-in and home to animals, “mucky” is a good word to use. “Mucky” shows a farm is dirty, but not in a horrible way. This word is associated with mud and farmyard animals, and it can emphasize the authenticity of your setting.
10. Deserted
Somewhere without inhabitants.
“They drove past a deserted farm, but they didn’t dare stop. It wasn’t safe to poke around the property at night.”
“She examined the deserted farm with great fear. It was pristine, yet its owners had left without notice.”
How it Adds Description
If you’re building up an eerie or scary atmosphere, “deserted” can help. This adjective shows no one lives on your farm, and it hints that something bad happened there. A “deserted” farm is likely to be scary for your characters, and you can use it to show their fear.