Do floods in your novel cause devastation for the local population? Would some help on how to describe a flood in a story come in handy? Scroll down to learn more.
1. Mighty
Something that’s powerful and large.
“The mighty flood came crashing through the town, taking people and buildings with it.”
“A mighty flood is coming, and we need to prepare for the worst. Start building defenses now!”
How it Adds Description
“Mighty” signifies something that’s extremely large or has a lot of power, and thus it can emphasize the importance of your fictional flood. If a character calls a flood “mighty,” they’re likely afraid of its power or in awe of its strength. A “mighty” flood may also imply your characters need to prepare for a dangerous situation.
2. Intense
Something that’s extreme in degree or strength.
“The intense flood ripped families apart and left them fighting for survival.”
“The flood was intense, and the girl knew she needed to get far away from the water.”
How it Adds Description
If your flood is large or poses a danger to characters, “intense” is an apt adjective to use. This word implies that the situation is scary, and you can use it to showcase a character’s fear. “Intense” is also great to use if you want to build suspense, ideal for a thriller or horror novel.
3. Alarming
Something that makes you feel scared or afraid of something bad happening.
“The meteorologists suggested an alarming flood was on the way. But no one listened to their warnings.”
“She awoke from another alarming flood dream and decided it was time to warn her village.”
How it Adds Description
“Alarming” shows your characters are concerned about the flood and its potential to cause damage and destruction. If the flood is “alarming,” it may cause characters to break down or flee the location to safety. This word can even suggest the flood is larger than any previous ones, which can hint at future plot points.
4. Wondrous
Something that’s beautiful and strange.
“The wondrous flood came from nowhere and replenished the farm’s crops. It was a miracle.”
“It was a wondrous flood, and she didn’t care that it caused water damage!”
How it Adds Description
The word “wondrous” portrays the flood as a positive occurrence. For example, if your fictional flood happens after a drought, characters may rejoice and praise the water. “Wondrous” also signals that characters aren’t scared of the flood or any potential damage.
5. Horrendous
Something shocking and unpleasant.
“The horrendous flood happened ten years ago, yet you could still see its effects on society.”
“He feared a horrendous flood was on the way, but no one would heed his warning.”
How it Adds Description
If you want to portray a flood in a negative light, “horrendous” can help. This adjective shows the flood is worse than any others and a danger to anyone it comes into contact with. “Horrendous” also can evoke fear in your readers, making them want to turn the pages and find out more.
6. Unusual
Something that doesn’t happen very often.
“The unusual flood covered the main street and the schoolyard. It was a rare sight that surprised the locals.”
“The flood was unusual, as it didn’t follow the usual floodplain pattern.”
How it Adds Description
If you want to show how your flood follows different patterns or looks different from past occurrences, “unusual” is a helpful word to use. This conveys that something is strange about the flood, and it can cause characters to feel confused or suspicious. This may even lead some curious characters to investigate the cause of the floods.
7. Calming
Something that’s soothing or tranquilizing.
“The glistening flood was calming. The sun reflected off the pools of water, and many stopped to admire the scene.”
“She was surprised at the state of the scene. There was no damage or destruction, and the flood was even calming for some.”
How it Adds Description
Water is often linked to tranquility and serenity, and the word “calming” shows the relaxed nature of the flood. This adjective confirms to your reader that there’s no danger, and it can show characters are relieved. “Calming” also emphasizes how some characters may enjoy looking at the flood due to its mesmerizing beauty.
8. Beautiful
Something very pleasing or attractive.
“He looked out of his window at the beautiful flood. It looked almost blue in the sunlight, which gave the street a whole new look.”
“Who could have guessed a flood could be so beautiful?”
How it Adds Description
“Beautiful” shows readers that the flood is aesthetically pleasing, and this can help them understand the scene better. If a character finds the flood “beautiful,” they might be very appreciative or connected to nature. They’re also likely not feeling threatened or in danger from the water, which further implies the flood is safe.
9. Overwhelming
Something that people are strongly affected by and don’t know how to deal with.
“The overwhelming flood rolled over the horizon, and the villagers were frozen with fear.”
“The flood was overwhelming. Everyone affected by its power was scrabbling around trying to remove excess water.”
How it Adds Description
Natural disasters and floods can be stressful experiences. “Overwhelming” portrays how your characters are feeling, and it can hint that they’re unequipped to deal with the flood. This adjective can even imply the characters are scared because they don’t know how to counteract the water.
10. Endless
Something that’s very large or lasts for a long time and seems like it won’t stop.
“Every day, he ate breakfast facing the endless flood. His only wish was for it to disappear.”
“An endless flood is the last thing we need. Help me clear the water away now!”
How it Adds Description
“Endless” is an adjective that can help to exaggerate the extent of the flood. If a character deems the flood “endless,” they could be tired or fed up with dealing with it. “Endless” can also refer to a flood that extends over a large expanse of land and can be used to show the sheer scale of your fictional flood.