Are you writing a chapter in your novel where a protagonist visits an antagonist in a prison? Let us help by sharing some information on how to describe a prison in a story. We’ve done this through the use of the following 10 words.
1. Dreary
Somewhere depressing and dull.
“The dreary prison was all-consuming. Once you entered, you lost the ability to smile or feel joy.”
“She was scared of the judges, the jury, and the reporters. But what she truly feared most was the dreary prison.”
How it Adds Description
Prisons aren’t usually a nice place to be, and you can emphasize the depressing aura of your prison via the adjective “dreary.” This word shows that the prison leaves all inhabitants feeling sad due to its dull characteristics. If a character describes the prison using this word, it could signify their negative view of the prison and its bad atmosphere.
2. Filthy
Something or somewhere that’s extra dirty.
“The guards carelessly threw her into the filthy cell, and the stench of the room made her gag.”
“The filthy cell carried infection and disease, but the guards didn’t care. They just wanted the prisoners out of sight and out of mind.”
How it Adds Description
The word “filthy” gives an extra level of description to your prison, which further elevates the image of the scene in your reader’s head. This adjective shows how dirty the setting is, and it also hints that the characters might not be safe or comfortable in the space. This can even foreshadow a period of struggle or sadness if your hero is placed in the “filthy” prison.
3. Clinical
A place that’s plain, emotionless, and usually unattractive.
“The clinical prison was designed to break the inhabitant’s spirits. Once admitted, they were never the same.”
“Don’t take me to the clinical prison. I’ll lose my mind in those empty corridors!”
How it Adds Description
The word “clinical” implies that your fictional prison is a minimal space that mimics a medical institution. “Clinical” is usually linked to places that lack emotion. Therefore, the prison leaves your characters feeling isolated, scared, and alone. A “clinical” prison can also be a place where there’s lots of order and routine.
4. Formidable
Somewhere that’s frightening and impressive simultaneously.
“He looked up at the formidable prison and tried to accept his fate for the next five years.”
“The formidable prison was an institution of ruthless justice.”
How it Adds Description
If you want to show your prison is a scary place, the word “formidable” can give a powerful first impression. This adjective shows characters are fearful of the building while being impressed by its size and stature at the same time.
5. Drab
Something or somewhere that’s boring, dull, or gloomy.
“The drab prison never changed. The gray building was the same, despite the ever-changing world that surrounded it.”
“She entered the drab prison and was instantly hit with an overwhelming sense of nothingness.”
How it Adds Description
Most prisons have a uniform and dull design. If this is the case for your fictional prison, the word “drab” can emphasize how boring and monotonous the space is. This “drab” design can make your characters feel uneasy or scared, which further proves the prison is a place they don’t want to be.
6. Enormous
Somewhere extremely large.
“The enormous prison towered above the surrounding buildings. It was hard to believe they had enough prisoners to fill the space.”
“She sat in her car and looked at the enormous prison. A place like that would swallow all who entered.”
How it Adds Description
Sometimes, highlighting the sheer size of a building can evoke fear in characters and the feeder. When used to describe a prison, “enormous” creates a foreboding atmosphere. You can use this sentiment to show how characters don’t want to enter the building or to create intrigue at what happens inside the large establishment.
7. Timeless
Somewhere ageless or unaffected by time.
“He examined the timeless prison with curiosity. It looked modern and old at the same time.”
“I wonder how many souls have passed through the timeless prison on the hill.”
How it Adds Description
“Timeless” is an adjective that can hint at the history of your fictional prison. This word shows the building doesn’t fit in with any specific time period, or it can show it has been serving as a prison for decades. This can make characters and readers curious about the past of the building, which builds suspense for future prison-related plot points.
8. Fearsome
Somewhere very frightening.
“I’d do anything to avoid the fearsome prison. That place is a death sentence.”
“He glanced at the fearsome prison and shuddered.”
How it Adds Description
Fear is often linked to prisons, and the adjective “fearsome” highlights how scary your fictional establishment is to your characters. You can use these feelings to drive your character’s journeys where they strive to avoid ending up in prison. Alternatively, “fearsome” can hint at unpleasant events happening inside the prison that you can reveal later in the story.
9. Neglected
Somewhere that’s overlooked, uncared for, or forgotten.
“The neglected prison was a sorry sight.”
“The group walked through the neglected prison and instantly felt for the poor souls locked up in the dismal cells.”
How it Adds Description
“Neglected” is an adjective that hints at the poor quality of the prison. This hints that the prison’s quality is bad due to a lack of care or the fact society’s forgotten about it. The word can also show how your characters feel guilty about the situation.
10. Perilous
Somewhere or somebody very dangerous.
“The perilous prison left all visitors feeling nervous and weak.”
“She took a deep breath, bottled up her fear, and opened the perilous prison’s door.”
How it Adds Description
If you want to illustrate the danger that lies within your fictional prison, “perilous” is an appropriate adjective to use. This word shows that a mysterious danger lies within the prison. This could make your characters apprehensive about visiting, and it could help you build up to big plot points that occur within the prison.