In this post, we cover an airport setting. Keep reading to learn how to describe an airport in a story.
1. Dilapidated
Something that’s in bad condition and very old.
“She hesitated before entering the dilapidated airport. It didn’t look safe at all, and it made her wonder what airlines operated from such a place.”
“The captain had no choice but to land in the dilapidated airport.”
How it Adds Description
If you want to show your fictional airport is in bad condition, “dilapidated” is an apt adjective to use. If characters use this word, it shows they don’t like the appearance of the airport, and they might be hesitant to travel from it due to its age or aesthetic. A “dilapidated” could foreshadow a rough journey due to its lack of progress.
2. Advanced
Something that’s more developed than earlier versions or very modern.
“The little boy was unbelievably excited to fly from the advanced airport.”
“She sauntered through the advanced airport, taking in its futuristic design and new technology with every step.”
How it Adds Description
“Advanced” shows that your fictional airport is very modern looking or has the latest technology. An “advanced” airport might impress your characters, especially if they’re interested in science or the future. If a character thinks an airport is “advanced,” it could mean it’s better than others they’ve visited.
3. Crowded
Somewhere that’s busy or full of people.
“The crowded airport made her feel dizzy. There were too many passengers packed into one space.”
“He pushed through the crowded airport. No one could stop him from getting on the plane.”
How it Adds Description
Airports are busy places, especially when there are delays or disruptions to travel. “Crowded” shows the airport is full of people, and this might make some characters nervous or stressed. A “crowded” airport could also show that it’s a popular place to be and draws lots of tourists.
4. Deserted
Somewhere that’s abandoned or unfrequented.
“The deserted airport was their only hope, but it was unlikely there were any flights available.”
“She avoided booking from the deserted airport. It didn’t make sense that it was still an option.”
How it Adds Description
“Deserted” shows that your airport is rarely used or not in use at all. Characters may avoid a “deserted” airport as it’s of no use to them. However, in desperate situations, a “deserted” airport could be their only hope — for example, in a horror or suspense novel.
5. Luxurious
Somewhere very expensive and comfortable.
“The little girl dreamed of flying from the luxurious airport, but she knew her chances of visiting were low.”
“The luxurious airport was decorated with gold, jewels, and decadent fabrics. It was fit for a king.”
How it Adds Description
“Luxurious” paints the image of a sleek or exclusive airport that you have to pay a lot to fly from. Characters might dream of flying from a “luxurious” airport, but any richer characters might take this luxury for granted.
6. Strange
Something that is unexpected or unusual.
“The airport was strange, but she couldn’t work out why. Something just felt off.”
“The strange airport had backward signs, no chairs, and all the flights had to take off in reverse!”
How it Adds Description
If you want to conjure the image of an unusual airport, “strange” can help. This adjective shows the airport contrasts normal ones and intrigues readers to find out more. Characters might find the “strange” airport exciting, but it could also annoy them. “Strange” airports may also make travelers feel uneasy, especially if they’re already nervous flyers.
7. Gigantic
Something extremely large in degree, size, or amount.
“Oh my gosh! This airport is gigantic. I can’t believe the size of it!”
“The gigantic airport stretched for miles. It was larger than the length of ten football fields put together!”
How it Adds Description
If you want to emphasize how large your airport is, “gigantic” is the adjective to use. “Gigantic” shows the airport is shockingly large, and this might surprise characters who don’t travel often. A “gigantic” airport may even confuse characters, as there are too many routes to take inside it. In extreme cases, passengers may get lost in a “gigantic” airport.
8. International
Somewhere that involves different countries.
“The international airport gave the passengers a sense of excitement. Soon they’d be in a new country for the first time.”
“As she approached the international airport, she felt a sense of fear. She didn’t want to leave her homeland.”
How it Adds Description
Not all airports offer flights to different countries, so if yours does, the adjective “international” will make this clear. Some characters might get thrills when visiting an “international” airport, as it provides the possibility of adventure and new experiences. Alternatively, some characters might feel sad because they’re leaving their native country.
9. Bleak
Something that’s bad or unlikely to improve.
“While she was waiting to board, she examined the bleak airport. It was uninspiring, to say the least.”
“He tried to ignore his surroundings, but the bleak airport kept catching his attention.”
How it Adds Description
“Bleak” shows that the airport has a bad or negative atmosphere. This could be because of poor design, the people there, or a mix of both. If your character describes the setting as “bleak,” they’re likely uncomfortable and not enjoying being there. This could also hint that they want to leave.
10. Entertaining
Something that amuses people.
“The airport was always entertaining as there were so many people to watch. She always wondered where they were going to and coming from.”
“She perked up at the thought of the entertaining airport. That would take her mind off her workplace stress.”
How it Adds Description
For some, the airport is an exciting part of traveling. If a character thinks an airport is “entertaining,” it shows they take pleasure in being there. Characters also might think the airport is “entertaining” if there is some drama happening there. “Entertaining” could foreshadow future plot points that happen in the airport setting.