You can really bring out the characters in your book through the use of body language in your narrative. We’ll show you how to describe gestures in writing in this post. Scroll down to learn about 10 words that you can use.
1. Nervous
Anxious, apprehensive; feeling uneasy or worried.
“She bit her nails and tapped her foot, making her appear nervous to the jurors.”
“His fidgeting and head-scratching were nervous gestures that revealed how distraught he was during the interrogation.”
How it Adds Description
The word “nervous” conveys a state of unease or anxiety, revealing inner emotional turmoil. The fidgeting of fingers, pacing back and forth, or biting of lips all become manifestations of an underlying nervousness. It hints at a character’s apprehension about events that may later become significant developments that affect the arc of the story.
2. Confident
Self-assured, certain; displaying a sense of poise and assurance.
“She stood tall with her head held high, trying to appear more confident than she felt.”
“His firm handshake and prolonged eye contact reflected his confident state of mind.”
How it Adds Description
The word “confident” suggests a sense of self-assurance, poise, and certainty in their actions. Such gestures might include standing tall, maintaining eye contact, speaking with authority, or making decisive movements. A confident character is more likely to take risks, make bold decisions, and face challenges head-on, thus influencing the direction and pace of the story.
3. Agitated
Disturbed, restless; displaying signs of anxiety or irritability.
“He paced back and forth, his agitated pointing as he spoke betraying his inner turmoil.”
“Her clenched fists and furrowed brow made it quite obvious just how agitated she was.”
How it Adds Description
The word “agitated” implies that a character is displaying signs of inner turmoil or heightened emotions. Agitated gestures can indicate a character’s increasing frustration, anxiety, or anger, creating a sense of urgency and propelling the narrative toward a climactic moment or a crucial turning point in the story.
4. Flirtatious
Playful, suggestive; displaying behavior intended to attract or charm someone.
“She twirled her hair and flashed a flirtatious smile, batting her eyelashes as she spoke.”
“His raised eyebrow and sly wink were unmistakably flirtatious gestures that made my husband uncomfortable.”
How it Adds Description
The word “flirtatious” illustrates a sense of coquetry, charm, or romantic interest. By using this word, the writer can create a dynamic atmosphere, teasing the reader with the possibility of romantic or interpersonal tension. This description might be a precursor to introducing a potential love interest, creating intrigue, or even setting the stage for future conflicts or alliances.
5. Hesitant
Uncertain, tentative; displaying a lack of confidence or reluctance.
“She was hesitant, chewing her lip and glancing around before slipping the note to the bank teller.”
“His shuffling feet and averted gaze betrayed his hesitant nature and reluctance to act.”
How it Adds Description
The word “hesitant” hints at a sense of hesitation, doubt, or insecurity in a character’s movements, emphasizing their internal struggle or conflicting emotions. It not only provides readers with a more nuanced image of the character’s body language but also serves to deepen their understanding of the character’s state of mind as the plot unfolds.
6. Apologetic
Regretful, remorseful; displaying gestures that express remorse.
“He bowed his head and clasped his hands together in an apologetic stance meant to garner leniency from the judge.”
“She appeared apologetic with downcast eyes and slumped shoulders, but the security guard couldn’t just ignore her attempted theft.”
How it Adds Description
The word “apologetic” illustrates that a character’s movements are characterized by a sense of regret, remorse, or an earnest desire to make amends. It allows the reader to empathize with their internal struggles and the external consequences of their actions. It can spawn conversations, spur characters into action, and even serve as a catalyst for twists and turns in the story.
7. Defiant
Rebellious, resistant; displaying gestures that defy authority or challenge the status quo.
“He crossed his arms and squared his shoulders in an openly defiant gesture of contempt.”
“Her clenched fists and defiant stare showed her resistance to adhering to the rules set forth by the New Republic Council.”
How it Adds Description
The word “defiant” suggests that a person is acting in defiance of authority, norms, or expectations. This word imbues the gestures with a distinct energy, emphasizing the character’s determination, strength, and refusal to conform. It can set the stage for clashes with antagonistic forces, and moral dilemmas, and signal opportunities for growth or transformation.
8. Comforting
Soothing, consoling; displaying gestures that provide comfort or solace to others.
“She reached out and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder in a gesture of kindness.”
“His warm smile and reassuring pat on the back were extremely comforting.”
How it Adds Description
The word “comforting” portrays gestures as having a sense of solace, reassurance, and emotional support. It can be used to convey the compassionate nature of the action and portray the character as empathetic and caring. This deepens the readers’ connection to the characters and moves the plot forward by fostering a sense of trust, fostering alliances, or resolving conflicts.
9. Menacing
Threatening, intimidating; displaying gestures that evoke a sense of danger or impending harm.
“He was clenching his fists and waving around his arms in a menacing manner meant to intimidate his opponent.”
“Her narrowed eyes and snarl revealed the level of her menacing intent toward her sister.”
How it Adds Description
The word “menacing” allows the reader to envision a particular gesture as more than just a simple action, instilling it with an undertone of hostility or impending harm. It effectively heightens the tension and builds suspense within the narrative, indicating potential conflicts, foreshadowing danger, or hinting at a forthcoming confrontation.
10. Dismissive
Disregarding, ignoring; displaying gestures that indicate a lack of interest or contempt.
“He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture, signaling that he was done listening to my pitch.”
“She rolled her eyes and turned her back in a dismissive manner that only angered her professor more.”
How it Adds Description
The word “dismissive” depicts someone who is making a conscious effort to diminish or belittle someone or something. This word captures the tone and intention behind the gestures, emphasizing the character’s lack of interest or respect. It highlights the character’s attitude and their impact on the situation or other characters.