If you’re browsing for information on how to describe London in a story, Writing Tips Oasis is here to help! Below are 10 adjectives you can use to paint a picture of the capital city of England.
1. Enormous
Something extremely large in extent or size.
“The enormous city of London always shocked tourists. They expected a big city, but not one that sprawled for over 600 square miles.”
“She wished to be back in the enormous city. London and its busy streets always felt like home to her.”
How it Adds Description
London is a very large city in comparison with others, and you can emphasize its size via the adjective “enormous.” This shows your characters are impressed by its size, and it can also imply they’ve never seen such a large city. This also gives your reader a clearer image of the setting in their minds.
2. Filthy
Something that’s very grimy and dirty.
“He kept running, but the filthy London streets felt like a maze. He didn’t know where to go, and the city was scaring him.”
“The group was cold, and the filthy city of London offered them no comfort. They needed to get to a hotel as soon as possible.”
How it Adds Description
While London is a gorgeous place, like all large cities, it has some dirt and grime. “Filthy” paints a more negative image of the city for your reader, ideal if you’re setting up a scary or depressing scene. This adjective can also show that your character feels uncomfortable amongst the dirt, implying that they want to leave.
3. Advanced
Something that has a modern design or better technology than others.
“Compared to her hometown, London was advanced. The skyscrapers felt like they were from a different world.”
“London was advanced, and there was no doubt about it. From the innovative subway system to the beautiful architecture, it was a modern metropolis.”
How it Adds Description
“Advanced” can help you show how modern London feels to your characters. This adjective can contrast London with other settings in your book, showing the characters are in awe of the city’s technology. It could also show the city is set in the future, and you can use this to build up a sci-fi ambiance with lots of mentions of technology and futuristic aesthetics.
4. Vintage
Something or somewhere that’s old but still appreciated.
“Amongst the new buildings, London was still vintage. The winding streets and Victorian architecture were hard to ignore.”
“London was a vintage haven. Here you could step back in time to the 1800s and far beyond.”
How it Adds Description
Many parts of London are old or have snippets of the past. “Vintage” can emphasize these details, ensuring your readers have a clear picture of the city’s old charm in their minds. This can also show your character’s personal appreciation for aged buildings or art.
5. Crowded
Somewhere that’s full of people.
“He snuck through the crowded London streets, feeling safe as he hid from the police.”
“She didn’t like the busy atmosphere. London was crowded, and that would never change.”
How it Adds Description
“Crowded” shows how a place is filled with people, and this creates a vivid image of the place for your reader. The word can show your character is bothered by the hustle, and you can use this to show their overall discomfort in busy places.
6. Elegant
Someone or somewhere that’s graceful or has an attractive style.
“He was in awe of the city’s elegance. London was much more refined than anywhere he’d ever been.”
“She admired elegant London, but she knew she didn’t fit in amongst the polished people.”
How it Adds Description
“Elegant” shows your characters are impressed with the way London looks and how its inhabitants act. The word “elegant” shows the city appears more refined or luxurious, and this can imply your characters take note of aesthetic details or are observant.
7. Tiring
Somewhere that leaves people feeling exhausted or sleepy.
“The teacher felt that London was tiring. The city left him feeling weary.”
“Yes, London is a tiring city. But that’s the beauty of it!”
How it Adds Description
Big cities can be “tiring,” and the use of this adjective indicates your characters don’t enjoy city life. “Tiring” can also show some characters are better suited to rural environments, or it can highlight the harsh reality of being in a city.
8. Fashionable
Something or somewhere that’s approved of or popular at a specific time.
“Please, can we go back to fashionable London? I wish to be amongst the trendsetters!”
“He agreed that London was fashionable, but he didn’t want to live amongst such frivolity.”
How it Adds Description
If a character deems London “fashionable,” they likely appreciate the style of the city and the people. This could further imply the character is quite materialistic, as they regard design and style higher than other qualities.
9. Vibrant
Something that’s full of enthusiasm and energy.
“The tourists thought London was vibrant, especially after seeing the hustle and bustle of the markets.”
“As he weaved through the vibrant city of London, he admired the streets, shops, and beauty of the place.”
How it Adds Description
Somewhere “vibrant” is packed with exciting life and buzzing energy. This adjective shows that London is a lively place to be, and this could be a positive thought from your character. “Vibrant” also shows that the setting is an overall nice place to be, especially for extroverted characters.
10. Deafening
A place that’s extremely loud.
“In the deafening city of London, no one could hear themselves think. The traffic was simply too loud.”
“London was deafening, and the excess noise scared the tourists. They were used to subdued villages and peaceful nature.”
How it Adds Description
If a character describes London as “deafening,” it shows they’re finding the city very loud in an unpleasant way. This could hint that they want to go back to somewhere quieter or more peaceful. “Deafening” can also show how busy the city is, as lots of people and traffic are likely causing all the noise.