Do you have a passion for writing, which at times tends to wane off? Do you then find it hard to get back to writing? If so, the following tips will show you how to increase your writing productivity:
Stick to a schedule
Having a plan can really help to increase your writing productivity. Set a schedule to write every day. This could be writing for 1 hour or writing a certain number of words a day. The key thing is to plan to write daily and stick to it. This will help you to create a habit, which will just become a part of your everyday tasks.
Take rest
When you set a writing plan, ensure you schedule in rest time. This could be taking a break every hour to take a little walk outside, or making and drinking a cup of tea. By taking regular breaks, you will feel refreshed when you come back to your writing. Switching off from writing for a short while can also help in sparking off new ideas for your work, in your mind. If you’re really struggling to continue writing, then nothing beats a good night’s sleep.
Have self-belief
What you believe about your ability to get back to writing will affect how well you can do so. Believe in yourself and your ability as a good writer. This type of self-belief can be invaluable during periods when you’re struggling to continue.
Remind yourself why you do it
Writing is fun, right? That’s why you do it. Remind yourself why you write in the first place. Doing so will help you get realigned with your passion and help you to continue writing.
Expect the ups and downs
Writing is like most activities in life. It has its ups and downs. By expecting there to be highs and lows, you will not be surprised when the writing process becomes a little tough. The great thing is tough times never last. They always pass.
Listen to music
This one depends on personal preference. Some writers like to listen to music when they write. Others find it distracts. If you find music helps you to really get into some juicy writing then listen to your favourite tunes, which inspire you to continue.
Reduce distractions
In general, a quiet external atmosphere is perfect for writing. If there are a lot of people around you talking and moving around, then you can become distracted, which can make it difficult for you to get back into a writing flow. A peaceful room with a nice view outside would be ideal.
Acknowledge your efforts
Writers usually get acknowledged when readers read their work. However, you need to acknowledge your own work, in order to stay motivated to continue writing. When you complete significant parts of you work, such as finishing chapters or sections, take a moment to reflect on your achievements. Just notice how you’re one step closer to reaching the end goal.