This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
1. Stay warmed up. If you stop writing even for a week it’s harder to get back into it. The muscles need to stay in shape!
2. Try not to get too hooked on reviews and other people’s comments. This is almost impossible but your voice got you here and you need to stick by it.
3. Think commercial. Think how you are in the bookshop and supermarket and how little time you have – what would make you want to pick up your book? Sadly, the writing is almost the last thing the readers get to.
4. Find somewhere you really like to write. My kitchen is really bright and the sun streams in through the windows so it feels like a happy, creative place to sit. I just squint to avoid the washing up.
5. Get a good laptop! I’ve had some dreadful ones that took ages to start up and it was just another excuse not to get going. This one I open the lid and I’m there.
The Little Christmas Kitchen by Jenny Oliver is out now.