This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Though Talli Roland's debut The Hating Game will be released in paperback on the 9th March next year, the ebook version will be available to download on December 1st of this year.
As part of her publicity campaign, Talli is hoping to take on Amazon and to get her indie published novel to the top of the Amazon charts – with the help of bloggers!
I love this idea so much, and that's why I'm bringing it to your attention. Can you help? Can you?!
Talli says,
"So I'm dreaming big. Wouldn't it be great if my debut novel by an indie publisher made it into the top ranks of Amazon Kindle sales? It might sound crazy, but it's amazing how quickly your book can move up the ranks if a number of people purchase it on the same day. And with an ebook, there are no distribution issues. Anyone, anywhere can buy it!

Bloggers: If you sign up, all I ask is that on Dec 1 you post a short paragraph about what I'm trying to accomplish and The Hating Game blurb. I'll send you all the content so you just have to cut and paste! I am aiming to have one thousand bloggers take part (I know, I know — but it might happen! I'm thinking big!) so anything you can do to spread the word would be FANTASTIC.
Facebookers/ Tweeters: I'll send you a status update to post on December 1, 2010. The Facebook event page is available here"
Novelicious will be joining in, fo sho! For more info about getting involved in the blogsplash, and to sign up, you can visit Talli's fantastic blog here.
Her website is here
And you can follow Talli on twitter here.
Let's make this happen! Power to the bloggers!