This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
The fantastic Lucy Diamond
has kindly given us her top five writing tips for those of you writing a book of your own!
1 Stock up on lots of teabags and biscuits, then make sure you’ve got a very comfortable chair. You’re going to be spending a LOT of time on it.
2. Don’t worry if you get bogged down in the middle of your novel. Most people hit a wall at some point so you’re in good company. The crucial thing is just to keep on going.
3. Once you’ve finished your first draft, put the manuscript away somewhere and vow not to look at it for a few weeks. Then you are totally allowed to go on a shopping spree and crack open some bubbly. You’ve earned it!
4. Now comes the editing. Read the whole thing aloud to yourself and listen to it as objectively as you can. How could you make it better? Get out the red pen and cut any waffle, unconvincing dialogue, and characters/storylines that add nothing of importance. Warning: this bit may hurt, but I promise it’s for the best.
5 Get an agent. This is really important. Shop around, ask people’s advice, take the time to find a person who loves your novel and can get you the best publishing deal. And then, while they’re busy selling it, go back to number one in this list and start all over again… Good luck!