This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
1. Read. Stephen King says if you don’t read, you can’t write and I think that’s pretty spot on. Not only is reading one of the best pastimes ever (how else would you get to Narnia or The Shire?) but you can learn so much about storytelling.
2. Write. It might sound basic, but the best way to learn about writing is to glue your bum to your seat and write! You’d be amazed at how many people want to write but haven’t put pen to paper yet.
3. Be prepared to write rubbish. The first draft of anything you do will likely be awful and that’s OK. You can edit words but not a blank page.
4. Enjoy it. To me, writing is the best fun ever and the fact I get to do it for a job is still surreal to me. If you let your story completely overtake you and immerse yourself in what you’re doing, it’s the best feeling in the world.
5. Don’t be afraid. This is easier said than done, especially because a book is essentially a part of you that you’re giving to the world. However, just relax, jump in and let your imagination run wild. It can be scary to set all your thoughts free across a page, but the end result is more than worth it.Just the Way You Are by Lynsey James.