Are you someone who is interested in earning some extra cash on top of your day job? Do you enjoy writing, and are even quite good at it? If so, writing can be a great way to make extra money. Read on to learn how you can make extra dough through popular types of writing jobs. The following are those in particular demand:
1. Article writing
There is a huge need from owners and editors of websites, and blogs looking for quality article writers. You can find various websites online which you can join, create a profile, and search for clients looking for writers who know how to write articles. oDesk, Freelancer and Guru are good examples.
2. News stories
Have a knack for writing breaking news? If so, there are countless newspapers (both print and online) that require daily news for their publications. Again, signing up to large sites like People Per Hour or Elance can help you find work, where clients want news stories writing.
3. Translation work
Do you know how to translate from Hindi into English? Or from English into French? If so, translation jobs could be a perfect fit for you. Translation requires more effort than other types of writing jobs. Therefore, you can command a higher fee for firstly translating from one language to another, and then writing in the language in which the translation needs to happen.
4. Writing ebooks
If you’ve always wanted to see your name on the cover of an ebook, then it’s definitely worth writing one, especially as you can self-publish relatively easily. However, if you want to make money from self-publishing, then you will also have to market your work and promote your ebook. This can take a lot of time and effort and a bit of luck too. Alternatively, you could write an ebook for a client as a ghostwriter. There are many people out there who want ebooks writing.
5. Copywriting
Consider yourself a skilled seller through words? If so, copywriting could be form of writing you could get involved in. Many businesses out there still don’t know how to write copy for their products and services, which persuades and sells. You could certainly help clients do this, both for printed literature and online.
6. Website content
Related to copywriting is writing website content. A typical website has a homepage, an about us page, a products and services page, and a contact us page. The impact of each of these pages can be maximized with the right type of copy. If you know what type of text needs to be included on the pages of a website and how to write it, then there are clients out there looking for someone with your area of expertise.
One final and important note
Remember, writing need not be a full blown career choice. If you have some time during the day, then you can make some extra money by doing writing jobs like those described in this article. A lot of the large sites, on which you can find writing jobs can be competitive. One way to increase your marketability on such platforms is to have some high quality samples of the types of writing gigs, which you are offering.
Image credit: Dustin Moore on flickr and reproduced under Creative Commons 2.0[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Hiten Vyas is the Founder and Managing Editor of eBooks India. He is also a prolific eBook writer with over 25 titles to his name.[/author_info] [/author]