This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Every week we visit one of our favourite book blogger friends to see where they read and what books are to be found on their bedside table. This week, we’re joining Kelly of Compelling Reads. Over to you, Kelly!
Welcome to my bedroom and my bedside table!
My bedside cabinet holds my life within its drawers and is often home to an array of books and baby paraphernalia. It’s not very exciting, but I feel it highlights how rock and roll my life is!
On the left hand side of my table is the obligatory bottle of Calpol and tube of Dentinox teething gel. My daughter is eight months old now and while she is still to get her first tooth, those nasty future teeth cause her lots of upset. So as to be prepared for those night-time wake ups, I keep both readily available – I did warn you about my rock and roll lifestyle!Next I have my alarm clock with built in iPod dock. I love to hook up my iPhone and listen to music whilst pottering around upstairs and I can usually be found listening to either The Fray or Kings of Leon. I’m not so keen on the alarm function though as when that goes off, it usually means its time to go to work.
On top of my alarm clock is a Boofle beany, which my son William got for me on Mother’s Day last year and it brings a smile to my face every time I see it. Boofle came with a gorgeous mummy mug, which I use to enjoy the odd cup of tea.
Next to my alarm clock is a small selection of books, which I have been sent to review. These are books that are either part of a blog tour or have caught my eye. The books that make it to this pile are always titles I want to read soon. The rest of my massive TBR pile and a selection of my favourite books are kept on my bookcase.
The books on my bedside cabinet currently include:
Nightingales on Call – Donna Douglas
The Wrong Knickers – Bryony Gordon
If I Could Turn Back Time – Nicola Doherty
The Geography of You and Me – Jennifer E Smith (I love the cover of this book and I'm so excited to read it)
A Heart Bent Out of Shape – Emylia Hall (This also has a lovely cover)
I then have my trusty bedside lamp, which I use at night to read. It’s turquoise, naturally, as that happens to be my favourite colour.
In front of my lamp is my locket – it’s white gold and has a diamond on the front. My husband brought the locket for me as a wedding gift; inside is a picture of my mum and one of my dad. The locket is very special to me and I wore it on my wedding day. I lost my mum when I was still at school and, by wearing my locket, I could have her with me on one of the most important days of my life.
Then I have my cow coaster. I have a thing about cows – no idea why, but I find them rather cute. I saw this coaster whilst out shopping and just could not resist buying it. In fact, I’ve had it since I lived at home and was at university. I just cannot part with it – it’s perfect for placing my cup of tea on after all.
And finally on my bedside cabinet is my iPad mini. My iPad was a present from my husband and children for my birthday last year and I love it! I love my spotty purple case too. Whilst I have a Kindle, I also have the Kindle app loaded onto my iPad and tend to read my eBooks on there instead as I love it so much. I adore having access to so many books instantly and the fact that I always have a library of books with me wherever I go. If I’m not reading, I like to watch films and TV shows via Netflix or Amazon Instant. For those occasions, I have my fab red earphones.
Next to my bedside table is my bed. My bed is my favourite place in the world to read and it’s often the one place I can go to escape life and enjoy the peace and quiet. I love to read before going to sleep as I find it relaxes me and helps me escape reality for a while. There honestly is nothing better than curling up in a bed with fresh, clean sheets and a good book. It makes everything in the world right again.
Well, that my friends, is my bedside table. Thank you for stopping by!
If you’d like to share your bedside table with Novelicious readers, drop a line for some guidelines.