This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Here, Marjolein Reads book blogger Marjolein invites us to take a peek at her bedside table, which is part of the quiet, relaxing sanctuary that is her bedroom.
My bedroom is my favorite place to read. My room is truly my place of sanctuary.
I’ve had this bedroom for ten years now. I had the smaller room in the house first, but when my brother moved out and I moved into his former bedroom, I redecorated it and placed a big bookcase in it. Three years ago I was diagnosed with a chronic kidney disease. I can't imagine I would have survived the last few years without my room and books. This is where I can have my quiet moments, which I truly need to relax.
Beside my bedside table is, how surprising, my bed and that is also my favorite reading place. I have placed two vintage looking lamps above it and have some large and small pillows that make it the perfect relaxing reading corner. I can’t fall asleep at night if I haven't read a little before I close my eyes.The books on my bedside table are just some random books that describe what I like to read most. This time I went for some historical fiction and a New York travel guide. New York books are quite present on my bookshelves too because I like to read about it and I hope to visit NYC someday myself. My eReader is the thing I can't live without as a book blogger. It always goes with me so I always can continue reading anywhere and everywhere. You will also see a copy of The Wild Rose by Jennifer Donnelly. This book has been on my reading pile for two years now. Sometimes I read a few pages and then so many other books arrive to review, so that's why I still haven't finished it.
There is also something not book related on my bedside table: A dvd season of Will & Grace. This is my favorite series of all time and I still can't stop watching it over and over again. Watching W&G always makes me laugh. The book on the top is Lucia, Lucia by Adriana Trigiani, which I think has such a beautiful cover, and which I am re-reading now. She is also one of my favorite authors. Her books are mostly about Italian families living in New York and I can't get enough of her fabulous storylines!
The other things on my bedside table include my white alarm clock and the mermaid mug you see at the very back, which is my favorite tea mug. The last item you see is a frame with a nice, vintage Eiffel Tower picture in it.
I am very happy with the bedside table as it looks nice, classy and almost Victorian in white and goes perfectly with my bed and the rest of my room!
Thanks, Marjolein!
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