This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
I actually had two
book deal moments. The first was as a ghostwriter in 2003 for an autobiography.
I hadn’t set out to be a ghostwriter, in fact before I landed the job of ghost
writing this particular celebrity autobiography, I would have been hard pressed
to say what a ghost actually did! Getting the job was one of those being in the
right place at the right time moments, though I had worked as a radio producer
and written features for magazines and newspapers so I had all the necessary
skills and was used to interviewing people – just as well because as a ghost
you interview the celebrity for hours…and hours….
I was a wimp though because I very nearly didn’t go to the interview at all, feeling that I had never written a book and it was unlikely that I would get the job and even if I did I probably couldn’t do it. I’m the opposite of those Apprentice, I kick ass and rule the world types! But I went, got the job and wrote the book proving that I could do it. Lesson learned.
I had written most of the autobiography before we even got a book deal, so while it was a thrill to get the deal, it was also a massive relief because I had spent nearly a year writing the book! I was pregnant with my twin girls during some of that time so writing was the perfect occupation as for the first four months I felt sick and for the last three months I was the size of a house.
From then I was making my living as a writer, something I had always dreamt of, but never believed could actually happen – I know – I really am the opposite of positive thinking, no wonder my characters are so often full of self doubt!
By 2008 I had ghost written three novels and three autobiographies and it was a great way to earn a living. However, being a ghost does mean just that, you are strictly backstage and can’t talk about your work in any detail. And by then I was itching to write something in my own voice and had already written half a romantic comedy about the life and loves of an aspiring actress with an addiction to the wrong men and peanut butter. I was lucky enough to have a very encouraging editor, who, when we were going through the edits of one of the ghost novels, said ‘You really should write your own books.’ It was a bit of a light bulb moment as I thought, ‘Yes I really should!’ He and my agent pushed to get me my own two-book deal. You imagine that this would be right up there as one of the most exciting moments of your life, and it was, also mixed with relief as there had been much negotiating about money and there were times when I didn’t think it would ever happen. Valentine, my first novel, was published in 2009.
Rebecca’s third novel, Swimming Pool Summer, is out now.