This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
It’s not so much what’s inside my writing space that makes me love it so much, it’s what’s outside it that I find so inspiring. From my window I can see rugged, scree covered mountains, white boxy houses, the gold minarets of a local mosque and crystal clear blue skies. You see, for the past three years I have been lucky enough to live in the Middle East, in Muscat, the capital city of Oman.
Usually when you tell people in the UK that you live in the Middle East their eyebrows raise significantly and you see a marginal wince of sympathy, but Oman is nothing like the war torn nations you may see on the news. It is a beautiful, diverse and culturally rich county steeped in tradition and nestled along the coast between the Al Hajar Mountain range and the Arabian Sea.It is these very mountains that I can see from my writing room every single day. In fact, Muscat is such a long, thin city that if I go onto the roof of my house I can also see the sea in the other direction. It could never be described as a ‘house with sea view’ though, because it’s a fair distance!
As well as the stunning views to inspire me I like to be comfortable when I write. A well-worn sofa, comfy cushions, stools and a rug lay about me so I can choose where to sit on any given day dependant on my mood. If I’m editing I often opt for the softer options, but when I’m deep in writing mode and bashing out reams and reams of words in a day then I choose a more upright positon at my desk.
I am by no means a skilled artist or musician, but my writing room shares its space with my husband’s guitar and my keyboard – a new hobby of mine – which sits across the room from me for when I need a brain break. The walls are hung with several self-painted pictures, which although not at all skilful, do at least add some colour. With two large windows this room is one of the brightest in the house, and with the notepads, instruments and paintings it’s probably one of the more creative spaces too! As much as I am looking forwards to moving back to the UK next year, I have to say I will definitely miss this writing room.
Into the Light (Untwisted series Book 3) is out today!