This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Caroline McCall, is one half of “Evie Hunter", authors of The Pleasures of Winter.
My Writing Room by Caroline McCall
I wish I could say that I had a room to write in. My writing space is the corner of the dining room table, beside my bookshelf crammed with reference books, notebooks, a pile of novels and assorted folders with clips from magazines and newspapers.
I envy writers who have proper desks, giant whiteboards, acres of space and piles of post it notes with ideas and plot lines scribbled on them. One day, I promise myself, one day I will have a room.
The only thing I insist on is that the table is completely clear of clutter. I like a neat space while I work - me, the laptop and no distractions. Well, that’s the theory.
The sign on the top of my bookshelf says Dogs have owners Cats have staff. All writers need a muse – someone who will inspire them and get their creative juices going. I have a feline one. A seventeen year old cat called Ben who believes that computers were designed to keep cats warm.
Having said that, he does listen when I read my stuff aloud and only yawns a little when I stumble over a less than smooth piece of prose or some particularly icky illiteration.
One luxury I do have is paintings on the wall to stare at. One form of art can often be the inspiration for another.
Read our review of The Pleasures of Winter.