This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Welcome to the last stop on the recent Grace Grows Blog Tour. We're excited to bring you the writing room of Shelle Sumners, and check out the bottom of the post for an exciting giveaway!
My Writing Room by Shelle Sumners
This is where the magic happens. Well, some of the magic; I can write anywhere. I wrote many stretches of Grace Grows dialogue between Grace Barnum and Tyler Wilkie in my car, during my daily work commute. Talk about driving distracted! Those people had quite a lot to say to each other.
I also outlined the plot and wrote chunks of the story while serving sixteen days of grand jury duty (I hasten to add that I wrote on breaks, not while hearing cases!). And Julia Barnum, Grace’s mom, turned out to be a grand jury prosecutor. Go figure.
Anyway, my workspace: I have several inspiring things pinned to my bulletin board, among them
*A quote from author Jodi Picoult: “You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.”
*Two nice bits of paper I got from fortune cookies that say: “You are a talented storyteller,” and “Start where you left off—do not avoid the difficult part.”
*Pictures of George Harrison and a Native American shaman, because they visited me in a dream one time. We three sat in a café and had a lovely chat.
I have a little contest in mind. I really like dragonflies; in fact, I managed to sneak three dragonflies into Grace Grows. AND I’ve just noticed that there are at least four dragonflies in this picture of my workspace! Do you see them? I’ll send the Grace Grows Original Soundtrack CD to the first three people who email me at Shelle [at] ShelleSumners [dot] com and tell me where the four dragonflies are.
Thank you, Novelicious. What a fun way to end my UK blog tour!
Thank you, Shelle!
Keep an eye out as next Wednesday we'll be giving away five copies of Grace Grows on