This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Belinda Jones is the bestselling author of many awesome books including our personal favourites Divas Las Vegas and I Love Capri. The latest is Winter Wonderland and it's out now. We're so excited to have Belinda on the site!
1. Can you tell us a little about your average writing day?
There’s very little method in my madness! I’d write around the clock if I could. A few years ago I used to wake up, pull my laptop onto the bed and write til 3am but now I have a husband that gets up at 4am for work those days are gone! I try and psyche myself up for whichever scene I'm writing while I walk the dog in the morning. It usually begins with the dialogue so I amble around having imaginary conversations, learning the lines and then typing them up when I get home. I've avoided social media until WINTER WONDERLAND and now that's a shocking distraction. All too enjoyable and engrossing. I like writing best when I have several days to get thoroughly immersed and I always think night-time is best because, while everyone else is sleeping, your imagination can really come out to play!!
2. When you are writing, do you use any celebrities or people you know as inspiration?
3. What is your favourite Women’s Fiction book of all time and why?
5. What was your journey to being a published author?
6. What do you think is the biggest myth about being a novelist?
7. What advice can you give to our readers who want to write a novel of their own?
You have to be prepared to be in this for the long haul! It's easy to get excited about writing the first few chapters and then get impatient to see your work with a sparkly cover but the secret is in the sustaining! As I've hinted, I'm not the most methodical, ordered human being and I would actual advise writing whatever scene you are in the mood for as opposed to slogging away in a linear fashion. As long as you are writing something, it doesn't need to be precisely in sequence. This can lead to a fair bit of revising and tweaking later but it's better than getting stuck and thinking this just isn't for you! I've lost count of the times that I have thought, 'I should probably give up writing and work in a doggie daycare.' But I'm on book 12 now. You can push through! Keep going, kiddo!