As a fiction writer, whether you’re already published, or almost there, you’re making reality of the age old belief – there is a book in all of us. Why not use the momentum you’ve generated to write a nonfiction book? Regina Pieracci has written an article at Elite Daily outlining some pretty valid reasons as to why authors should make the move from writing fiction to nonfiction. For any nonfiction doubters out there, remember you can always make a fast move back to fiction.
Below are a few of Regina’s words from her article:
“Sure, you don’t have the time (or maybe the skill) to climb Mount Everest, or to open up your own school in Thailand.
But, the people who do have the time have written books about every step they took, how they made the time, got in the right headspace or decided never to do it again.”
Read the whole article here.
Whereas a good fiction story will entertain and perhaps teach something about life in the process, nonfiction can capture direct human experience. It can encapsulate the experience of others, and more importantly your experiences of the world. And yes, people want to know about your perspective of the world, because they might learn how to navigate their own world better. What you write about might prevent someone from making mistake, which could save an individual from a ton off heartache.
Your writing has the potential to make others get inspired, or empathize, or become knowledgeable about a topic so that they can improve their own situation, or help others to do so. Underlying all these potential impacts of your nonfiction book (should you choose to write one) is giving people a nudge to make a shift – in their thoughts, or through their behaviour, and preferably both. It is through informed action that the world we live in continues to change and evolve. In effect, we do our little bit to make the communities will live and interact in better places.
Image credit: Lydia Liu on flickr and reproduced under Creative Commons 2.0[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Hiten Vyas is the Founder and Managing Editor of eBooks India. He is also a prolific eBook writer with over 25 titles to his name.[/author_info] [/author]