This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
By Amanda Keats
Last week I got to join in with the launch for Lynn Shepherd's new book Tom-All-Alone's, a Dickensean style mystery, inspired by Bleak House and set in the mirky depths of 1850's London. The launch itself was far from mirky. At the Dickens museum in London, we got to walk the halls of his former residence and see his original works.
Shepherd was evidently delighted to be holding the launch in the museum, saying that if it's true that your life flashes before your eyes when you die – this moment will certainly make the reel. Then we were treated to a reading of the prologue to Tom-All-Alone's – Shepherd's homage to Bleak House.
Thank you to PR lady Emily for the invite and congratulations Lynn and all at Constable and Robinson for a great launch.
You can read my review for Tom-All-Alone's here