Did you know that you can write a book online? If this appeals to you, there are a number of platforms that you should visit. These platforms act as the convergence point for authors from all over the globe, especially the newbie authors and those who still haven’t got that fame.
How to get started?
Before you start identifying these platforms, you have to do the basics though.
1. Get your idea in place.
2. Write your book.
3. Rewrite and get it proofread and edited.
4. Choose your online platform to write the book.
Self-publishing v. online writing
Of course, you need not write online and instead opt for self-publishing. But write online and you have a readymade list of readers. Keep in mind that not everyone uses an e-book reader to read digital books. There is a large audience that still uses online sites to read e-books. And this is the market you are able to capture when you write your book online.
Some of the names that immediately come to mind in the domain of online writing are quizazz.com, rootbook.com, EnglishNovels.net, litlift.com and webook.com.
These are names that you may not come across easily because most authors seem to think nothing but self publication. However, these platforms are excellent because you don’t need to spend anything to write your books in these websites. All you need to do is write your book and upload to these websites. You shouldn’t be surprised when you see an almost immediate response. The big advantage of using these platforms is that you can also command your book price.
Pricing and marketing
Of course, when it comes to pricing, you need to know how much to charge for your e-book. If you go above competition, you are bound to lose out on readers. So, a bit of research is required so that you know that readers will purchase and download your e-book.
You also need to market your e-book. Writing excerpts in your blog, getting reviews done and marketing through social media platforms is essential. And no matter what marketing platform you use, don’t forget to insert a backlink to your e-book on a particular online writing platform.
On a different note, you learn a lot when you use these online writing platforms. You are able to read books written by other authors and learn from their writing styles.
This concept is worth trying if you want to ascertain how good a writer you are. Get started now and you could be on your way to fame-dom.
Image credit: University of Salford Press Office on flickr and reproduced under Creative Commons 2.0[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://writingtipsoasis.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Profile_Pic_Moumita.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Moumita Goswami is a full-time homemaker and a passionate writer. She stays in Pune with her husband and daughter. After giving up working, she started writing about five years ago and can now be seen using her computer keyboard almost all the time. An MA in Psychology from Calcutta University, Moumita has spent time in Kolkata, Delhi and now Pune. For Moumita, writing started as a sudden chance but she soon discovered her likeness for it. And now she has developed a passion for writing and hardly any day passes without her scribbling a few lines. She dreams of publishing her own book one day and is working towards it.
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