This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Reviewed by Debs Carr
Erin and Jay are certain
they’ve covered everything with the planning of their ‘fusion’ wedding,
they’re very much in love and are eagerly looking forward to being
married in six weeks time. Everything is going according to plan and as
Erin’s parents live in Australia, she’s determined that she doesn’t need
any help from either her family or Jay’s with her arrangements. She
wants everything on their special day to be perfect, with lots of
surprises for both families.
Then Jay’s parents arrive to take them out to lunch with the intention of discussing a few plans they also have for the wedding. Erin works for her uncle in his antique business and her biggest worry up until this moment has been coming across an unexpected spider. Now she has to contend with Jay’s mother and her determination that Jay doesn’t forget his Indian heritage, as well as beautiful, glamorous Nalisha, a woman from his past who arrives in the village supposedly to help find a way for Erin and Jay’s mother to somehow calmly incorporate their ideas.
Having been to a
‘fusion’ wedding a couple of years ago, I
was especially looking forward
to reading this book, aware that the vibrancy of the ceremony and
reception was extra-special. I wasn’t disappointed. Christina Jones
manages to incorporate both cultures well in this book and the
differences and problems that can arise at any wedding bubble away under
the surface and occasionally explode. The characters are funny, clever
and this book had the same feeling I always get with this author’s books
that of warm, sunny days and the knowledge that I’m in for a treat when
I settle down to read one.