This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Reviewed by Jennifer Joyce
Dr Madison Albi is on her way home from a work function when she finds a homeless man in an alley. Scared, the homeless man tries to attack Madison but he ends up unconscious on the floor. The man is injured and badly malnourished and Madison cannot leave him alone in the cold, dark alley, especially when she feels a connection to him. Madison is a scientist but she’s no ordinary scientist; she can read minds and the energy she feels while in the homeless man’s presence is more powerful than she’s ever experienced.
Upon waking, the homeless man reveals he has amnesia and can’t even remember his own name or how he ended up on the streets. Madison offers to help him recover his memory using her powers but neither of them is prepared for what lays hidden in his mind.
It took me a little while to get into the book, however my attention was grabbed as soon as Alec and Vic were introduced. The two men not only know all about the homeless man (who becomes known as Jay) and his memory loss but they know all about Madison and her powers too. Alec and Vic are made out to be the bad guys but there are so many twists and turns throughout the book that you don’t know who you can and can’t trust until the end.
I liked how the relationship built between Madison and Jay, especially as I knew their connection could crumble when Jay’s true identity is revealed. She hasn’t allowed anybody to get close to her since she lost her fiancé shortly before their wedding and it seems letting her defences down to allow Jay in could prove to be a fatal mistake.
I found it interesting how Alec and Vic dipped into the story. Unseen by Madison and Jay, the pair throw out hints about Jay and what is going on in the background while Madison works on recovering his memory. The book is full of mystery, tension and romance, with danger lurking around every corner. Madison doesn’t know what she’s getting herself into when she agrees to help Jay and finds herself tangled up in a dangerous organisation that is willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want.
Evonne Wareham’s Website