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Reviewed by Cesca Major
The book opens with the promise of a wedding at Fourwinds. Nicky is to marry his bride Sarah at his family home: Fourwinds. When the two families meet it is clear that this introduction is, for some, not the first time. Old secrets are sparked and when Sarah, the bride, runs away from the house it seems she too is hiding something more.
The different settings in ‘Return to Fourwinds’ are wonderfully depicted and Elisabeth Gifford is highly skilled at creating an atmospheric read and a genuine page-turner. The strands were woven together seamlessly and there were wonderfully descriptive chapters set in the heat of Valencia during the Spanish Civil War, an unusual retreat to a wild and largely uninhabited part of Scotland as well as a walk through the post-war slums in the north. Fourwinds itself was an excellent setting for the large chunk of the story, the house vividly drawn in the lead up to a wedding that may, or may not, go ahead.
Everyone has their story, their hint of intrigue as many appear to be hiding something. Ralph has a unique history and his story contains a number of twists. The book has an extra appeal here being inspired by a true story from Elisabeth Gifford’s own family history. She had researched the background to the awarding of an OBE during World War II and stumbled across a relatively unknown piece of Spanish History. Then there is Alice and her relationship with Peter, a sad and beautifully told story that highlights the guilt some can carry with them for years and the impact it can have over time. The couple, Nicky and Sarah, add an important dimension to the book and the reader is rooting for them from the off.
If you are a fan of historical fiction then Elisabeth Gifford is for you. She is hugely adept at weaving intricate storylines together, leaving chapters on cliff-hanging endings and packing her books full of secrets to uncover. A thoroughly enjoyable read.9/10