This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.

I found this book last summer by pure fluke in a bookstore while browsing around adult fiction. I’ve always loved the girly novels; the ones about friendships and love… And this book had them both! The novel was also an incredibly easy read- I sat for hours on end reading outside in the sun, laughing. I think what I liked most was the way Carole Matthews created four completely distinct main characters that any woman could relate to. None of the 4 characters were perfect. It may have been reflected in their personal lives or in their appearances, but because of this, each one had me completely engrossed in their day to day life; it simply felt so real.
Continue Reading Review – The Chocolate Lovers’ Club by Carole Matthews!
I really enjoyed the plot because it didn’t feel like Matthews created anything that couldn’t happen in the real world. It’s always nice to read a novel that is completely plausible; it makes you feel like you’re meeting these real people and you truly want their lives to work out at the end of the story. I did however feel like the end of the book was a little bit rushed; but I was definitely satisfied when I finished the last page.
Most importantly, Carole Matthews maintained the idea of the four women being linked together by their love of chocolate throughout the entire book. Although sometimes it was a bit pushed (I mean, how much chocolate can a woman really eat before feeling too guilty?!) but at the same time it was easy to believe that in these characters’ cases, anything with chocolate was possible!
Rating 3.5/5
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