This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Reviewed by Amanda Keats
Harmony and Will have been together happily for many years, but her recent miscarriage has driven something of a wedge between them as Harmony wants to try for another baby, but Will is quite happy not being a parent.
So when Luke, an old school friend of Will's, reappears, it looks like Harmony may finally be about to discover just what happened during his childhood that made him so closed off – though she may not like what she discovers.
The Judas Scar is a story rooted in emotion and the imperfections of human nature, taking a close look at the damage secrets can do when allowed to fester. Being confronted with a childhood Will has spent years ignoring means that he can no longer keep his shocking past to himself.
The pace builds quite slowly at the start, but about halfway through it really picks up and the emotion of the first half takes on a darker and far more intense twist in the second. It becomes a race to the end to discover what is really going on with Luke and what really took place when he and Will were at school together.