This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Reviewed by Jennifer Joyce
Geologist Kateri Avani has heard many stories of mythical beings and demons from her grandmother, but she’s never really believed in any of them until they turn up at her office demanding to be given a stone she knows nothing about. She has many stones, but this particular stone has magical powers that will prevent the gates to other realms from opening and unleashing all sorts of evil upon Earth.
Ren is a Dark Hunter, brought back to life to protect the human world from demons. For years, Ren has had dreams about a beautiful woman who stabs him through the heart, killing him and banishing him to eternal agony in hell. When Ren is tasked with protecting Kateri and the stone, he realises she is the woman from his dreams. Kateri has also had dreams of being killed by a gorgeous man, a huge warrior who turns out to be Ren. So when they are forced to stick together to survive, they must be on guard to protect themselves.
Time Untime is a fast-paced adventure with gods and demons battling against one another but, for me, there was far too much going on. There are so many myths and legends, a lot of which left me confused, and I’m sure if it had slowed down a little and explained further I would have enjoyed the book much more. I wasn’t even clear who or what Ren was until half way through the book, when it was explained what Dark Hunters are and their duties.
There was one point in the book I really did enjoy, which was the story of Sterope and the son she was forced to give up. Much more detail was given so I was able to keep up and wasn’t left bewildered, which I had been for at least the first half of the book. I really do think my enjoyment of the book was hampered by the lack of information with characters and their involvement given in snippets and a series of names. I did quite enjoy the final scenes, where it was mainly action and I’d got to know the remaining characters.
Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Website