This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Irish novelist Roisin Meaney – whose latest novel, After the Wedding, just hit the shelves – joined us last week to talk about pinching scenes from everyday life and heavily disguising her cat in most of her books. Today, she's back with her top five writing tips for aspiring authors.
1. Enrol in a writing course. It’ll give you a focus, and hopefully teach you something.
2. Become observant. Notice things, and write them down if you’re forgetful.
3. Read the kind of books you’d love to write. Learn from them, but don’t copy them.
4. Make space in your day for writing. Don’t let anything bar death interrupt it.
5. Give yourself a deadline. You don’t have to stick to it, but you’ll want to, so it’ll help.