If you need a list of tax book publishers, we’ve put together the following compilation for your review.
1. Routledge Press
Routledge Press is a publishing house that is part of the Taylor & Francis Group and was established in 1836. With multiple locations worldwide, including in the United States, it is proud to be an ardent supporter of academic, non-fiction written material on research in various fields, including humanities, social sciences, taxation and STEM.
The publishing house delivers printed books, ebooks and has an extensive online offering as well. Titles on taxation that Routledge Press has published include “Taxation: A Fieldwork Research Handbook” by Lynne Oats, “The History of Taxation” by D.P. O’Brien, and “Land Value Taxation” by William J. McCluskey and Riel C.D. Franzsen.
Authors interested in publishing through Routledge Press should look closely at their book proposal guidelines. They ask that writers only submit their books to one editor at a time and to be patient with their selection process.
2. Beacon Press
Started alongside the establishment of the American Unitarian Association (AUA) in 1825, Beacon Press is a publishing house that focuses on delivering books on various subject matter, including history, current affairs, education and economics, including taxes.
Beacon Press is looking forward to fielding submission requests from writers working on material that aligns with it’s company vision for content. “Billionaires’ Ball: Gluttony and Hubris in an Age of Epic Inequality” by Linda McQuaig and Neil Brooks and “Wealth and Our Commonwealth: Why America Should Tax Accumulated Fortunes” by William H. Gates are a number of titles that Beacon Press are responsible for publishing.
Writers who want to submit their manuscripts for consideration should email a complete submission package to Beacon Press. Please note that they do not accept hard-copy submissions and to only contact Beacon Press by email.
3. Elsevier
With a long history dating back to 1880, Elsevier is today an international company with locations all around the world, including Canada and the United States. From books on topics about health such as nursing, toxicology and dentistry, to books on economics, psychology and social sciences, Elsevier is behind the publication of some of the world’s best research in their respective fields.
Writers publishing through Elsevier will enjoy working through a structured organization like Elsevier. The publishing house’s past published books on tax include titles like “Income Tax” by Henry Toch, “Property Taxes and House Values” by John Yinger et al, and “The Economic Impacts of Tax-Transfer Policy” by Fredrick L. Golladay and Robert H. Haveman.
Elsevier has transparently described their publishing process online, from how to identify what kind of language to use to how to submit your completed proposal.
4. University of Toronto Press
The University of Toronto Press was established in 1901 in Toronto, Canada. Since their launch, they annually create reputable and entertaining material for consumption and research purposes. Their published materials include books about social sciences, management and business, including books on taxation.
Backed by their namesake University of Toronto, one of the most reputable schools in North American, the University of Toronto Press has been responsible for publishing books such as “The Meaning of Income in the Law of Income Tax” by Francis Eugene LaBrie, “Globalization and its Tax Discontents” by Arthur J. Cockfield, and “The Economic and Social Environment for Tax Reform”, edited by Allan M. Maslove.
Writers interested in publishing their manuscripts should reach out directly to the University of Toronto Press here with a prepared copy of their work in progress.
5. McGraw Hill
McGraw Hill is a publishing house that was founded by James H. McGraw in 1888. It runs different departments that focus on producing books for school age children, higher education, and professionals. Most well-known for its textbook publications, which are widely used in schools, McGraw Hill’s books cover a wide range of subject matter, including psychology, social sciences, economics, including many notable titles on the topic of tax.
Some of McGraw Hill’s published works on tax include “Fundamentals of Taxation 2022 Edition” by Ana Cruz et al, “McGraw Hill’s Essential of Federal Taxation 2022 Edition” by Brian Spilker et al, and “Principles of Taxation for Business and Investment Planning 2023 Edition” by Sally Jones et al.
McGraw Hill has clearly outlined its proposal parameters on its website. Writers should consider a number of factor while preparing their proposal package, including information related to their target market, the competition and the content that they plan to deliver.
6. IGI Global
Working out of Hershey, Pennsylvania in the United States, IGI Global is a publishing house that delivers quality non-fiction academic books. They work alongside many key international academic authorities, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University and the University of Oxford.
Among the many subject matters IGI Global publishes material on are books about business, as well as relevant related topics including tax, education, government and science. “Tax Advice: An Essential Element in the Success of an E-Business” by Traian Ovidiu Calota, et al, “Political Economy of Tax Evasion and Tax Loss in the Real Estate Sector: A Property Tax Reform Proposal for Turkey by M. Mustafa Erdogdu, et al, and “Firms’ Characteristics and Tax Evasion” by Md. Harun Ur Rashid and Anika Morshed.
IGI Global is excited at the opportunity to pair up with any reputable research-based authors who are looking for a channel to publish their work. They encourage book writers to submit their book proposal, with the requisite information, through their website.
7. Pelican Publishing Company
Founded in 1926, Pelican Publishing Company is an American publishing house founded in New Orleans that focuses on creating books of quality for their readers, young and old. John McClure helped kick the publishing company get off the ground, and since then the organization has published books for children, as well as fiction and non-fiction for adults, on topics ranging from history, to science, to economics and tax.
Pelican Publishing Company’s selection of books on non-fiction business books for adults include those on business advice, those giving guidance on economics, as well as those explaining best practices related to regional and national tax. They include titles like “44 EZ Solutions to Stretch and Conserve Your Dollar” by Jerry LePre.
Pelican Publishing Company accepts submissions of adult non-fiction. They ask writers to prepare a query letter and synopsis, as well as at least the first chapter of the book.
8. Sage Publishing
Sage Publishing is a publishing organization that was created by co-founders Sara Miller and George McCune. Today, the publisher continues to put out publications about the social sciences, including books, articles, and reference materials. Subject matter that they cover include government, politics, business and sociology.
Founded in New York City, Sage Publishing continues to be committed to the advancement of research in the social sciences. It has published a number of books on taxation, including “What Do We Know and What Should We Do About Inequality?” by Mike Brewer, “GST and Its Aftermath” by Govind Bhattacharjee and Debasis Battacharya, and “Raising Money for Education: A Guide to the Property Tax” by David H. Monk and Brian O. Brent.
Sage Publishing has a number of dedicated editors that focus on various areas of the social sciences. For writers interested in submitting manuscripts related to tax, they should direct their manuscripts to the appropriate editorial contact, which would be Maggie Stanley, editor for business & management/ economics.
9. Wiley
Wiley has been a renowned publisher of books and articles that promote learning on topics including business economics, tax, project management and accounting. The New Jersey-based publishing house is well represented around the world as publishers of academic material on various non-fiction topics.
Wiley’s work supports authors looking for publication opportunities, students in their studies, as well as professionals who have invaluable research to communicate to the general public. Some of the books that Wiley has produced about tax include “Taxes For Dummies: 2022 Edition” and “Small Business Taxes For Dummies” by Eric Tyson.
Book authors who have a work in progress on subject matter relevant to a topic that Wiley’s publishes on should follow their clear guidelines on their website, which go through every stage of the proposal process in detail.
10. Pluto Press
One of the UK’s most well-known independent publishers, Pluto Press provides a different slant to the news by focusing on publishing articles and books on liberal non-fiction books. The organization was founded in 1969 in the United Kingdom, and has continue to publish challenging books and other printed material to inspire and educate.
Pluto Press’s books range from books on tax and business, to feminism and politics. Some of the books that Pluto Press has put out into print include “Tax Haven Ireland” by Brian O’Boyle and Kieran Allen, “Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay: The Fight to Stop the Poll Tax” by Simon Hannah, and “The Cost of Free Shipping: Amazon in the Global Economy” edited by Jake Alimahomed-Wilson and Ellen Reese.
Writers looking to publish with Pluto Press should first consider their company’s stance and position, and the look over their proposal guidelines, which are downloadable from their website.