This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Last week I was googling for Christmas presents (I WILL be prepared this year), when I happened upon The Black Spot Book etsy shop and this brill book themed jewellery. A lot of bookish jewellery looks like this and so I was pleased to find some stuff I might actually wear and that didn't have pictures of vampires on it.
My fave is this pair of book earrings. How adorable are they? Books dangling from your ears! Let us pretend that there isn't a fly in the picture.
I also love this book necklace. If you wore it, people would be in
no doubt of how much you love books because you have, like, ten of them strung around your throat.
If that one is a little bold for you, then this one might suit. A tiny black leather book on a copper chain – gorgeous.
This store has a range of stuff to suit all budgets, worth checking out.